1. CORNUCOPIA (NOUN): (प्रचुरता) : Abundance
Synonyms: bounty, fullness
Antonyms: need, lack
Example Sentence:
2. FRET (VERB): (चिड़चिड़ाना) : Feel uneasy
Synonyms: be upset, be anxious
Antonyms: please, delight
Example Sentence:
She was always fretting about something or the other.
3. ETHEREAL (ADJECTIVE): (कोमल): Extremely delicate
Synonyms: light, sublime
Antonyms: earthly, indelicate
Example Sentence:
In this ethereal realm are the currents that make possible wireless telegraphy.
4. UNLETTERED (ADJECTIVE): (निरक्षर) : Uneducated
Synonyms: ignorant, illiterate
Antonyms: educated, literate
Example Sentence:
Such misconceptions have not been confined to the unlettered masses.
5. SPRIGHTLY (ADJECTIVE): (प्रमुदित) Lively
Synonyms: agile, active
Antonyms: spiritless, lethargic
Example Sentence:
The sprightly old woman walks two miles every day.
6. COVETOUS (ADJECTIVE): (लोभी): rapacious
Synonyms: greedy, insatiable
Antonyms: magnanimous, generous
Example sentence:
She the ring with covetous hands.
7. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (बेरंग/ सूना): dismal
Antonyms: bright, pleasant
Example sentence:
Manish was found in the bleak little room in despair.
8. ADJUNCT (NOUN): (परिशिष्ट): supplement
Synonyms: addition, complement
Antonyms: lessening, subtraction
Example sentence:
Food technology is an adjunct to learning.
9. ACCORD (NOUN): (सहमति): agreement
Synonyms: harmony, unison
Antonyms: disagreement, denial
Example sentence:
The two countries breached the accord.
10. ABOUND (VERB): (प्रचुर मात्रा में होना): proliferate
Synonyms: thrive, flourish
Antonyms: deficient, destitute
Example sentence:
Rumours of their separation are abound.