Dear Readers,
Mahendras has started special quizzes for SBI / RBI Main Exam so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This SBI / RBI Main Exam quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination.Here we are providing you important question of Quantitative aptitude for SBI / RBI Main Exam .
(1) The ratio between the present ages of Shipra and Shweta is 5 : 4. 4 years ago, Shweta's age was 24 years. What will be Shipra's age after 8 years ?
शिप्रा और श्वेता की वर्तमान आयु के बीच का अनुपात क्रमशः 5 : 4 है। 4 वर्ष पूर्व श्वेता की आयु 24 वर्ष थी। 8 वर्ष बाद शिप्रा की आयु क्या होगी ?
(1) 42 years
(2) 43 years
(3) 35 years
(4) 45 years
(5) 25 years
(2) On an amount of Rs.8550, a person gets Rs. 3,591 as simple interest after 3 years. What is the rate of interest?
8550 रू. के मूलधन पर 3 वर्ष में एक व्यक्ति को 3,591 रू. का साधारण ब्याज मिलता है। ब्याज की दर क्या है ?
(1) 12%
(2) 14%
(3) 16%
(4) 18%
(5) 20%
(3) In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'PROJECT' be arranged?
शब्द 'PROJECT' के अक्षरों को कितने विभिन्न तरीके से व्यवस्थित कर सकते हैं ?
(1) 120
(2) 360
(3) 720
(4) 2520
(5) 5040
(4) Out of six numbers 30, x, 53, 68, 50 and 87, x is unknown. The average of these numbers is 60. What is the value of x?
छः संख्याओं 30, x, 53, 68, 50 और 87, में x अज्ञात है। इन संख्याओं का औसत 60 है। 'x' का मान क्या है ?
(1) 72
(2) 64
(3) 78
(4) 60
(5) 65
(5) A 240 meters long train crosses a pole in 12 seconds. What is the speed of the train? (in km/hr.)
एक 240 मीटर लम्बी रेलगाड़ी एक खम्भे को 12 सेकेण्ड में पार करती है तो रेलगाड़ी की चाल किमी./घं. में क्या है?
(1) 70
(2) 72
(3) 75
(4) 84
(5) 62
Q-(6-10) In each of the following questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve them and give answer.
निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में दो समीकरण (I) और (II) दिए गए हैं। इन दोनों समीकरणों को हल करके निम्नानुसार उत्तर दीजिए।
(6) (I) 2x2 – 17x + 36 = 0
(II) 15y2 – 16y + 4 = 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship cannot be established
(7) (I) 7x2 – 41x + 30 = 0
(II) 7y2 – 26y + 24 = 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship cannot be established
(8) (I) x –77441/2 = 0
(II) y1/2– 9= 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship cannot be established
(9) (I) 14x+3241/2=172
(II) 21x–288=1413
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship cannot be established
(10) (I) (8x2 + 21) – (6x2 + 23) = 0
(II) (7y2 – 14) – (10y2 – 17) = 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship cannot be established
Q-(1) Sol-(2)
Present age of Shweta = 24 + 4 = 28 years
After 5 years Renu's age = 7 × 5 + 8 = 43 years
Q-(2) Sol-(2)
Q-(3) Sol-(5)
Total ways = 7 !
= 5040
Q-(4) Sol-(1)
288 + x = 360
x = 72
Q-(5) Sol-(2)
speed=72 km/hr
Q-(6) Sol-(1)
x = 4, 4.5, y = 0.66, 0.4
Q-(7) Sol-(5)
x = 5, 0.85, y = 2, 1.714
Q-(8) Sol-(1)
x = 88, y = 81
Q-(9) Sol-(3)
x = 11, y = 81
Q-(10) Sol-(5)
x = + 1, y = + 1
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