1. FRIVOLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मूर्खतापूर्ण): foolish
Synonyms: idiotic, impractical
Antonyms: intelligent, sensible
Example sentence:
2. REHASH (VERB): (पुरानी सामग्री को नया रूप देना): restate
Synonyms: reuse, change
Antonyms: deny, refuse
Example sentence:
Rahul Vaidya endlessly rehashes old songs of Kumar Sanu.
3. RESTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (बेचैन): impatient
Synonyms: fractious, restless
Antonyms: easy-going, patient
Example sentence:
Why are you getting so restive?
4. INQUEST (NOUN): (तहकीकात): investigation
Synonyms: probe, examination
Antonyms: conclusion, findings
Example sentence:
There was an inquest by New York newspapers into Manchester Arena attack.
5. (DEPRAVE (VERB): (विकृत): bestialize
Synonyms: brutalize, debase
Antonyms: improve, purify
Example sentence:
This novel would deprave young children.
6. FISHY (ADJECTIVE): (संदेहजनक): dubious
Synonyms: doubtful, suspicious
Antonyms: truthful, aboveboard
Example Sentence:
I am convinced there is something fishy going on.
7. KNOTTY (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): troublesome
Synonyms: mystifying, perplexing
Antonyms: easy, facile
Example Sentence:
It was his knotty idea.
8. LUDICROUS (ADJECTIVE): (ऊटपटांग): absurd
Synonyms: bizarre, comical
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
Example Sentence:
It was a ludicrous statement made by her.
9. KNAVE (NOUN): (दुष्ट): fraud
Synonyms: miscreant, rogue
Antonyms: hero, angel
Example Sentence:
He is known as a notorious knave of this area.
10. KUDOS (NOUN): (प्रशंसा): praise
Synonyms: esteem, applause
Antonyms: dishonour, denunciation
Example Sentence:
He received kudos of approval from the intelligentsia.