1. ALACRITY (NOUN): (तत्परता): readiness
Synonyms: eagerness, willingness
Antonyms: apathy
Example Sentence:
2. ADMONISH (VERB): (धिक्कारना): scold
Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:
She admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven.
3. METTLE (NOUN): (उत्साह): spirit
Synonyms: fortitude tenacity
Antonyms: insensibility, callousness
Example Sentence:
The team showed their true mettle in the second half.
4. CALAMITOUS (ADJECTIVE): (नुक़सानदेह): catastrophic
Synonyms: disastrous, devastating
Antonyms: good, advantageous
Example Sentence:
Many calamitous events such as fires, hurricanes, and floods have taken place.
5. PRE-EMINENT (NOUN): (पूर्वप्रतिष्ठित): foremost
Synonyms: greatest, leading
Antonyms: unknown, undistinguished
Example Sentence:
She's the preeminent chef in a city that has many good ones.
6. EMULATE (VERB): (अनुकरण करना): copy
Synonyms: imitate, reproduce
Antonyms: disaffect, shun
Example Sentence:
Most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great.
7. EXONERATE (VERB): (मुक्त करना): acquit
Synonyms: absolve, clear
Antonyms: charge, convict
Example Sentence:
An inquiry exonerated those involved.
8. AFFRONT (NOUN): (अपमान): insult
Synonyms: offence, snub
Antonyms: compliment
Example Sentence:
He took his son's desertion as a personal affront.
9. COMMEND (VERB): (सराहना करना): praise
Synonyms: compliment, applaud
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:
He was commended by the judge for his courageous action.
10. PERPETRATOR (NOUN): (अपराधी): culprit
Synonyms: offender, guilty
Antonyms: innocent
Example Sentence:
The perpetrators must be punished.