1. TREPIDATION (NOUN): (घबराहट): apprehension
Synonyms: anxiety, worry
Antonyms: assurance, composure
Example Sentence:
She had some kind of trepidation in her mind.
2. SPITEFUL (ADJECTIVE): (द्वेषपूर्ण): hurtful
Synonyms: barbed, hateful
Antonyms: friendly, kind
Example Sentence:
There stood a very spiteful person in the corner of the room.
3. APPEASE (VERB): (शांत करना): pacify
Synonyms: soothe, satisfy
Antonyms: aggravate, irritate
Example Sentence:
Every political party tries to appease the minorities to create its own vote bank.
4. GENUFLECT (VERB): (घुटने के बल बैठना): kowtow
Synonyms: bow, kneel
Antonyms: disrespect, disregard
Example Sentence:
I just genuflect before almighty.
5. (BAIT (NOUN): (प्रलोभन): enticement
Synonyms: allurement, attraction
Antonyms: discouragement, repulsion
Example Sentence:
Herrings make excellent bait for pike.
7. BAREFACED (ADJECTIVE): (ढीठ): shameless
Synonyms: apparent, blatant
Antonyms: careful, quiet
Example Sentence:
She revealed his barefaced lies.
8. SECEDE (VERB): (किसी मंडली से हटना): split from
Synonyms: quit, break with
Antonyms: maintain, continue
Example Sentence:
The kingdom of Belgium seceded from the Netherlands in 1830.
9. ETHEREAL (ADJECTIVE): (हवाई): delicate
Synonyms: light, vapory
Antonyms: poor, indelicate
Example Sentence:
The moon’s light was accented by an ethereal halo.
10. RUMPUS (NOUN): (उपद्रव): clamor
Synonyms: discord, fracas
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:
Aniruddh caused a rumpus with his flair for troublemaking.