1. EXAGGERATE (VERB): (अतिरंजना करना): overemphasize
Synonyms: overstate, overstress
Antonyms: understate, play down
Example Sentence:
He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains.
2. DISCLOSURE (NOUN): (प्रकटीकरण): revelation
Synonyms: divulgence, declaration
Antonyms: concealment
Example Sentence:
A judge ordered the disclosure of the government documents.
3. DEVASTATE (VERB): (झटका देना): shatter
Synonyms: shock, stun
Antonyms: please, excite
Example Sentence:
She was devastated by the loss of her beloved husband.
4. DENOUEMENT (NOUN): (नतीजा): result
Synonyms: outcome, upshot
Antonyms: origin
Example Sentence:
I waited by the eighteenth green to see the denouement.
5. HUMANITARIAN (ADJECTIVE): (मानवीय): compassionate
Synonyms: humane, unselfish
Antonyms: noununselfish
Example Sentence:
Groups sent humanitarian aid to needy.
6. INHIBITORY (ADJECTIVE): (निवारक): preventive
Synonyms: preventative, precautionary
Antonyms: permissive
Example Sentence:
Children of labor were less likely of family preventive.
7. RESTRAINT (NOUN): (संयम): control
Synonyms: self-control, self-restraint
Antonyms: abandon, forwardness
Example Sentence:
He urged the protestors to exercise restraint.
8. CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (आलोचनात्मक): condemnatory
Synonyms: censorious, condemning
Antonyms: complimentary
Example Sentence:
I was very critical of the previous regime.
9. DON (VERB): (पहनना): put on
Synonyms: pull on slip on
Antonyms: take off
Example Sentence:
In the dressing room the players donned their football shirts.
10. DISTRESS (NOUN): (पीड़ा): pain
Synonyms: anguish, suffering
Antonyms: happiness, comfort
Example Sentence:
To his distress he saw that she was trembling.