1. TRIVIAL (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वहीन): unimportant
Synonyms: insignificant, inconsequential
Antonyms: important, essential
Example Sentence:
Huge fines were imposed for trivial offences.
2. PRESUME (VERB): (अनुमान लगाना): suppose
Synonyms: assume, imagine
Antonyms: infer, deduce
Example Sentence:
I presumed that the man had been escorted from the building.
3. PREEMPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (निवारक): preventive
Synonyms: preventative, precautionary
Antonyms: permissive
Example Sentence:
He was the supporter of preemptive war and conservative fiscal policy.
4. ATTENUATE (NOUN): (कम करना): weaken
Synonyms: reduce, lessen
Antonyms: strengthened
Example Sentence:
Her intolerance was attenuated by an unexpected liberalism.
5. ECSTATIC (ADJECTIVE): (उन्मादपूर्ण): elated
Synonyms: enraptured, euphoric
Antonyms: miserable
Example Sentence:
Ecstatic fans filled the stadium.
6. FUSE (VERB): (मिलाना): blend
Synonyms: amalgamate, combine
Antonyms: separate
Example Sentence:
Intermarriage had fused the families into a large unit.
7. RESUME (VERB): (दोबारा आरम्भ करना): restart
Synonyms: recommence, start again
Antonyms: suspend, abandon
Example Sentence:
A day later normal service was resumed.
8. IMPLICIT (ADJECTIVE): (अंतर्निहित): implied
Synonyms: indirect, inferred
Antonyms: explicit, direct
Example Sentence:
Comments seen as implicit criticism of the policies.
9. FABLED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रसिद्ध): famed
Synonyms: celebrated, renowned
Antonyms: unknown, unsung
Example Sentence:
My art collection is fabled fortunately.
10. STICK (VERB): (अडिग रहना): adhere
Synonyms: cling, remain
Antonyms: be forgotten
Example Sentence:
The plastic seats stuck to my skin.