Dear Readers,
Mahendras has started special quizzes for SBI / RBI Main Exam so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This SBI / RBI Main Exam quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you important question of English Language for SBI / RBI Main Exam.
Mahendras has started special quizzes for SBI / RBI Main Exam so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This SBI / RBI Main Exam quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you important question of English Language for SBI / RBI Main Exam.
Q1-10 In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Industries have always played a fundamental role in (A) a progressive nation. They play a crucial role in the creation of jobs, building infrastructure, (B) of poverty, increasing exports of the country and, in the process, decreasing imports. The increased focus of industries on the development agenda is also helping the government to (C) its social agenda.
India has always been proud of being a democratic country. A combination of young and not-so-young entrepreneurs, who have infused billions of dollars of funds and global technology, has helped millions of unutilized human resource employment, to build the India of today and for tomorrow. Let us accept that industrialization and manufacturing is here to (D) in India, and is a large (E) to the economy.
The year 2013 was reminisced the era of 1990s when India not only faced its second economic crisis, but also saw the dawn of the liberalization of the economy. Opening up of foreign investment, liberalization in industrial policies to give impetus to growth, disinvestment of under-performing public sector companies, and similar policies were seen as an opportunity to give a much-needed (F) to the economy. The formula worked in favour of India and the country not only came back to its growth path but also became one of the most preferred (G) for foreign investors.
Today, India needs strong global confidence in relation to its policies, commitments and government support. At one point, justice could even be denied, but justice delayed (H) the industry and the economy.
The year ahead, 2014, is being seen as one of hope and (I). The industry is looking forward to a speedy disposal of proposals and clearances. Agenda that could lead to not just creation of strong infrastructure but also result in massive employment (J) leading towards eradication of poverty are being proposed.
Q1 Choose the correct option for (A)
01. attaching
02. deteriorating
03. segmenting
04. justifying
05. building
Q2 Choose the correct option for (B)
01. alleviation
02. adjustment
03. bifurcation
04. publicizing
05. comfort
Q3 Choose the correct option for (C)
01. negotiate
02. spreading
03. targets
04. achieve
05. produced
Q4 Choose the correct option for (D)
01. anticipate
02. stay
03. advancement
04. leave
05. expects
Q5 Choose the correct option for (E)
01. regulator
02. sponsor
03. contributor
04. mentor
05. writer
Q6 Choose the correct option for (F)
01. loss
02. attend
03. fright
04. boost
05. vexation
Q7 Choose the correct option for (G)
01. destinations
02. designs
03. aim
04. objects
05. fortune
Q8 Choose the correct option for (H)
01. directs
02. activates
03. revolutionizes
04. hones
05. paralyses
Q9 Choose the correct option for (I)
01. mourning
02. motivate
03. revival
04. suppression
05. deviation
Q10 Choose the correct option for (J)
01. struggle
02. generation
03. replacement
04. agenda
05. announced
Q.1 (5)
Q.2 (1)
Q.3 (1)
Q.4 (2)
Q.5 (3)
Q.6 (4)
Q.7 (1)
Q.8 (5)
Q.9 (3)
Q.10 (2)
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