Dear Readers,
Mahendras has started special quizzes for SBI / RBI Main Exam so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This SBI / RBI Main Exam quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you important question of Quantitative aptitude for SBI / RBI Main Exam.
Q-(1-5) What should come at place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
निम्नलिखित संख्या श्रृंखला में प्रश्न चिह्न (?) के स्थान पर क्या आना चाहिए?
(1) 43 133 275 291 ?
(1) 155
(2) 127
(3) 0
(4) -25
(5) 25
(2) 424 540 635 711 ?
(1) 775
(2) 770
(3) 745
(4) 795
(5) 812
(3) 48 15 78 16 ?
(1) 115
(2) 110
(3) 124
(4) 144
(5) None of these
(4) 4372 2691 4455 2606 ?
(1) 4535
(2) 4478
(3) 4542
(4) 4622
(5) None of these
(5) 11 31 69 131 ?
(1) 220
(2) 209
(3) 223
(4) 225
(5) Nome of these
(6) A start a business with an investment of Rs 27600, after six months B joined him with an investment of Rs 41400. After another six months C also joined them with an investment of Rs 46000. If after 2 years a profit of Rs 42600 was generated find the profit share of B.
A ने 27600 रुपये के निवेश के साथ एक व्यापर शुरू किया , छह महीने पश्चात B 41400 रुपये के निवेश के साथ व्यापर में शामिल हो गया । और छह महीने पश्चात C भी 46,000 रुपये के निवेश के साथ उनके साथ व्यापार में शामिल हो गया । यदि 2 वर्ष पश्चात 42600 रुपये का लाभ हुआ तो B का लाभ में हिस्सा ज्ञात कीजिये ।
(1) 15400 Rs
(2) 16200 Rs
(3) 16400 Rs
(4) 17200 Rs
(5) None of these
(7) Raju sells an article at 20% profit. When the cost price of article was reduced to 62.5% of its original cost price he also reduces selling price of article by 260 Rs. If his new profit percent is 40%.Find original cost price of article.
राजू किसी वस्तु को 20% लाभ पर बेचता है जब वस्तु की लागत मूल्य इसकी मूल लागत मूल्य के 62.5% के बराबर हो जाती है तो उसने वस्तु की कीमत भी 260 रुपए कम कर दिया। यदि उसका नया लाभ प्रतिशत 40% है। तो वस्तु की वास्तविक लागत मूल्य ज्ञात करें।
(1) 800 Rs
(2) 750 Rs
(3) 500 Rs
(4) 1250 Rs
(5) 1500 Rs
(8) Perimeter of an equilateral triangle is
cm . Find the area of triangle.
एक समबाहु त्रिभुज का परिमाप
सेमी है । त्रिभुज का क्षेत्रफल ज्ञात कीजिये ।
(1) 8
(2) 12
(3) 8
(4) 12
(5) None of these
(9) Length of a rectangle is increased by 20% whereas its breadth is reduced by 12.5%. Find the net percentage change in its area?
आयात की लंबाई में 20% की वृद्धि हुई है जबकि इसकी चौड़ाई 12.5% की कमी हुई इसके क्षेत्रफल में प्रतिशत परिवर्तन का पता लगाएं?
(1) increased by 5%
(2) decreased by 5%
(3) increased by 7.5%
(4) decreased by 7.5%
(5) No change
(10) A work twice as that of B and thrice as that of C.If B and C working together completes a work in 15 days, then A working alone will complete the whole work in how many days?
A, B से दो गुना तथा C से तीन गुना कार्य करता है यदि B तथा C मिलकर किसी कार्य को मे 15 दिनों में पूरा करते हैं, तो A अकेले पूरे कार्य को कितने दिनों में पूरा करेगा?
(1) 15 days
(2) 12.5 days
(3) 18 days
(4) 24 days
(5) None of these
Answer Key-
Q-(1) Sol-(5)
Q-(2) Sol-(2)
add 112-5
102-5 92-5
Q-(3) Sol-(1)
Q-(4) Sol-(3)
+422 -432
Q-(5) Sol-(3)
33+4 43+5
53+6 63+7
Q-(6) Sol-(2)
Q-(7) Sol-(1)
Old 80 96
New 50 70
Difference of SP=26=260 Rs
So CP 80=800 Rs
Q-(8) Sol-(5)
Q-(9) Sol-(1)
Q-(10) Sol-(2)
ratio of their work efficiency
A : B : C
6 : 3 : 2
A alone=
=12.5 days
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