1. ALLEGE (VERB): (आरोपित करना): claim
Synonyms: assert, declare
Antonyms: deny
Example Sentence:
He alleged that he had been immensely assaulted.
2. URGE (VERB): (आग्रह करना): encourage
Synonyms: enjoin, adjure
Antonyms: discourage
Example Sentence:
Drawing up outside the house, he urged her inside.
3. CRUCIAL (ADJECTIVE): (निर्णायक): pivotal
Synonyms: critical, key
Antonyms: minor
Example Sentence:
Negotiations in the deal were at a crucial stage.
4. ISOLATION (NOUN): (एकांत): separation
Synonyms: segregation, quarantine
Antonyms: contact
Example Sentence:
Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety.
5. MOCK (VERB): (उपहास करना): ridicule
Synonyms: tease, deride
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:
Opposition MPs mocked the government's decision.
6. SPUR (NOUN): (प्रेरणा): stimulus
Synonyms: incentive, encouragement
Antonyms: disincentive
Example Sentence:
Wars act as a spur to knowledge and practical invention.
7. BURGEON (VERB): (बढ़ना): expand
Synonyms: grow rapidly, shoot up
Antonyms: shrink
Example Sentence:
Manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand.
8. BANE (NOUN): (व्यथा): scourge
Synonyms: ruin, death
Antonyms: boon
Example Sentence:
The telephone was the bane of my life.
9. DESCEND (VERB): (नीचे उतरना): go down
Synonyms: come down, drop
Antonyms: ascend
Example Sentence:
The aircraft began to descend.
10. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (विकट): stern
Synonyms: forbidding, uninviting
Antonyms: amiable
Example Sentence:
He had a grim expression on his face when we met him.
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