1. EXAGGERATE (VERB): (अतिरंजना करना): overstate
Synonyms: overemphasize, overstress
Antonyms: play down
Example Sentence:
He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains.
2. CONTRARY (ADJECTIVE): (विपरीत): opposite
Synonyms: opposing, opposed
Antonyms: compatible
Example Sentence:
He ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal.
3. ESCALATE (VERB): (तीव्र करना): grow
Synonyms: develop, mushroom
Antonyms: shrink
Example Sentence:
The disturbance escalated into a full-scale riot.
4. CAMARADERIE (NOUN): (सौहार्द): friendship
Synonyms: comradeship, fellowship
Antonyms: enmity
Example Sentence:
There is an enforced camaraderie in office life.
5. VEIL (VERB): (ढंकना): envelop
Synonyms: surround, swathe
Antonyms: unveil
Example Sentence:
She's got long fair hair but she's got veils them.
6. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair
Synonyms: just, impartial
Antonyms: unequitable
Example Sentence:
Inida has an equitable distribution of resources.
7. CAUTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सतर्क): careful
Synonyms: wary, aware
Antonyms: incautious
Example Sentence:
A driver has to be cautious always.
8. ENDORSE (VERB): (समर्थन करना): support
Synonyms: back, favour
Antonyms: oppose
Example Sentence:
He earns more money endorsing sports clothes than playing football.
9. EFFECTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): virtual
Synonyms: practical, essential
Antonyms: theoretical
Example Sentence:
She has been under effective house arrest since September.
10. COERCE (VERB): (मजबूर करना): pressure
Synonyms: pressurize, persuade
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:
He was coerced into giving evidence.
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