1. STIMULUS (NOUN): (प्रोत्साहन): spur
Synonyms: stimulant, encouragement
Antonyms: discouragement
Example Sentence:
The dog responded to the stimulus of the ringing bell.
2. VANDALIZE (VERB): (उपद्रव मचाना): deface
Synonyms: demolish, wreck
Antonyms: build
Example Sentence:
Stations have been vandalized beyond recognition.
3. ISOLATION (NOUN): (अलगाव): separation
Synonyms: segregation, quarantine
Antonyms: contact
Example Sentence:
This was a vacation, not an isolation camp.
4. RELIANCE (NOUN): (भरोसा): dependence
Synonyms: dependency, credit
Antonyms: disbelief
Example Sentence:
The universal reliance on animal life stimulated the study of the animal kingdom.
5. POTENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (क्षमता): possible
Synonyms: likely, prospective
Antonyms: unlikely
Example Sentence:
We are a part of a campaign to woo potential customers.
6. DISMISS (VERB): (विदा करना): let go
Synonyms: release, free
Antonyms: form
Example Sentence:
I dismissed the taxi at the end of the road.
7. COMMEND (VERB): (सराहना करना): praise
Synonyms: compliment, congratulate
Antonyms: criticise
Example Sentence:
He was commended by the judge for his courageous actions.
8. PRECISE (ADJECTIVE): (सटीक): exact
Synonyms: accurate, correct
Antonyms: imprecise
Example Sentence:
The trainer gave us precise directions.
9. FATALITY (NOUN): (मौत): death
Synonyms: casualty, mortality
Antonyms: birth
Example Sentence:
A sixth fatality involved a newly fledged juvenile.
10. BOUNTY (NOUN): (उदारता): generosity
Synonyms: magnanimity, munificence
Antonyms: meanness
Example Sentence:
For millennia the people along the Nile have depended entirely on its bounty.
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