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English Language Quiz For IBPS PO & RRB Exam | 14-09-2020

Swati Mahendra's

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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS PO & RRB Exam so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This  IBPS PO & RRB Exam quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you important question of English Language for IBPS PO & RRB Exam.

Q1-8 In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The government’s reported plan to shed its controlling stakes in 22 _(1)_and unlisted companies is welcome. Simultaneously, the government should set up new enterprises to _(2)_the economy with new competitive capacity that the private sector finds too risky or too complex to enter. This requires espousing a dynamic, not ideological, approach to the public sector. What qualifies as a strategic sector will vary with the maturity of the economy. At one point, private sector companies were too _(3)_to set up power plants or produce machine tools; so the state had to step in. That is not the case today. The state can exit _(4)_sectors in part or in full. But many emerging areas of advanced manufacturing, relating to robotics, artificial intelligence, equipment for high-speed communications, new materials, nanotechnology and new-generation drugs hardly have any Indian presence. Economic and national security calls for such presence, as Indian Space Research Organisation’s (Isro) in space. Telecom networks are not mere commercial installations. They have a huge bearing on national security and are _(5)_to cyber warfare.

There is no Indian company today among the ranks of large telecom _(6)_makers, none is a patch on Chinese giant Huawei. In all such sectors, the state needs to set up new enterprises with the right degree of capitalisation, clear goals and management structures that nourish _(7)_and creativity and, at the same time, detect and punish dysfunctionality. Such enterprises should have _(8)_autonomy, come under commercial rather than CAG audit but be accountable to a parliamentary committee. Such new companies would also need huge manpower in R&D. These human resources would be their real capital. Talent will need to be compensated well. Knowledge workers need a work environment that is free from red tape and inspires everyone to bring out their best. Impossible? C-DoT used to be a pioneering public enterprise of this kind. Maruti, Bhel and NTPC were created and led as outstanding enterprises, albeit state-owned.

Q1 Choose the correct option for (1)

01. good

02. listed

03. record

04. filed

05. lapidary

Q2 Choose the correct option for (2)

01. control

02. increase

03. supported

04. accommodation

05. provide

Q3 Choose the correct option for (3)

01. few

02. big

03. small

04. distinguished

05. huge

Q4 Choose the correct option for (4)

01. some

02. little

03. carnage

04. many

05. venerable

Q5 Choose the correct option for (5)

01. vulnerable

02. guarded

03. strong

04. destruction

05. switch

Q6 Choose the correct option for (6)

01. provisions

02. equipment

03. production

04. vestment

05. copious

Q7 Choose the correct option for (7)

01. enthusiastic

02. enterprises

03. idleness

04. motivate

05. initiative

Q8 Choose the correct option for (8)

01. opposite

02. functional

03. functional

04. impetus

05. perpetual

Q9-10 Read each part of the sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, mark your answer as (5).

Q9 NASA’s New Horizons space probe(1)/ has spotted possible clouds hover(2)/ over Pluto, indicating that the weather on the icy dwarf planet(3)/ is more complex than thought.(4)/No error (5)

01. 1

02. 2

03. 3

04. 4

05. 5

Q10 The government is working on a new steel policy(1)/ in a bid to steer the over USD 100 billion industry(2)/ out of the rut and ensure that the growth(3)/ is even spread all across the related sectors.(4)/No error (5) 

01. 1

02. 2

03. 3

04. 4

05. 5


Q.1 (2)

Q.2 (5)

Q.3 (3)

Q.4 (4)

Q.5 (1)

Q.6 (2)

Q.7 (5)

Q.8 (2)

Q.9 (2)

Q.10 (4)


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