1. OPACITY (VERB): (अस्पष्टता): obscurity
Synonyms: density, enigma
Antonyms: clarity
Example Sentence:
It is difficult to read his texts due to its opacity.
2. DISCLOSE (VERB): (प्रकट करना): reveal
Synonyms: divulge, tell
Antonyms: conceal
Example Sentence:
They disclosed her name to the press.
3. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमत्ता): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:
We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
4. SUCCOUR (VERB): (सहायता करना): help
Synonyms: aid, assist
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:
Prisoners of war were liberated and succoured.
5. UNDERMINE (VERB): (क्षीण करना): subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:
Your mistakes could undermine years of your hard work.
6. WAIVE (VERB): (छोड़ देना): relinquish
Synonyms: renounce, give up
Antonyms: claim
Example Sentence:
He will waive all rights to the money.
7. VOLATILE (ADJECTIVE): (परिवर्तनशील): unpredictable
Synonyms: changeable, variable
Antonyms: stable
Example Sentence:
He is a passionate, volatile young man.
8. DEFY (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): disobey
Synonyms: go against, flout
Antonyms: obey
Example Sentence:
A woman who defies convention is considered amoral.
9. DEFT (ADJECTIVE): (कुशल): skilful
Synonyms: adept, adroit
Antonyms: clumsy
Example Sentence:
The script was both deft and literate.
10. ACCREDIT (VERB): (अधिकृत करना): recognize
Synonyms: license, authorize
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:
Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.
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