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English Language Quiz For IBPS & SBI Exam | 16-06-2021

Swati Mahendras


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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS & SBI Exam so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS & SBI Exam special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you the important question of reasoning ability for the IBPS & SBI Exam.

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given:

Diverse teams are more likely to constantly re-examine facts and remain objective. They may also encourage greater scrutiny of each member’s actions, keeping their joint cognitive resources sharp and ____(1). By breaking up workplace homogeneity, you can allow your employees to become more aware of their own potential biases entrenched ways off thinking (2) that can otherwise blind them to key information and even lead them to make errors in decision-making processes.

Greater diversity may also change the way that entire teams digest information needed to make the best decisions. In a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Katherine Phillips of North-western University and her team divided sorority or fraternity members into four-member groups, (3) each of which had ____ (I) read interviews _________ (II) by a detective investigating a murder. Three people in every group, referred to as “old-timers” in the study, came from the same ____ (4) or fraternity, whereas the fourth, the so-called “newcomer,” was either a member of the same fraternity or a different one. The three old-timers in each group gathered to decide who was the most likely murder suspect. Five minutes into their discussion, the newcomer joined the deliberation and expressed their opinion as to who the ____ (5) was.

It turned out (6) that although groups with out-group newcomers felt less confident about the accuracy of their joint decisions, they were more likely to guess who the correct (7) suspect was then those with newcomers who belonged to the same group.

1.Choose the correct option for (1)

01. austerely

02. vigilant

03. mild

04. homogenous

05. cantankerous

2.Improve the highlighted phrase if required for (2)

01. of there own potential biases entrenched ways of thinking

02. of their own potential biases entrenched ways of thinking

03. of their own potential biases entrench ways of thinking

04. of their own potentially biases entrenched ways of thinking

05. No correction required.

3 .Fill both the blanks through table given for (3)

(3). Each of which had ____ (I) read interviews _________ (II) by a detective investigating a murder.

Column 1            Column 2

A. at                    D. conducted

B. by                    E. infant

C. to                   F. proposed

01. A-B

02. B-C

03. A-D

04. C-E

05. C-D

4.Choose the correct option for (4)

01. affinity

02. adversely

03. sorority

04. consecutively

05. separately

5.Choose the correct option for (5)

01. guilty

02. intent

03. heir

04. suspect

05. heist

6.Choose the odd one out for (6)

A. Proved to be the case

B. Emerged

C. Play

01. Only A

02. Only B

03. Only C

04. Only A and C

05. All A, B and C

7.Improve the highlighted phrase if required for (7)

01. suspect was than those with newcomers who belonged

02. suspect were than those with newcomers who belonged

03. suspect was than those on newcomers who belonged

04. suspect was than those with newcomers which belong

05. No correction required

8.In the following question 1st and 6th sentence are fixed. In between four sentences (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C) and (D) in the proper order to form a meaningful paragraph.

(1) River Payaswini at the northern end in Kasaragod is nowadays not the majestic river that, inspires awe in everyone who sees her from far or near.

A. has fallen so precariously that the Kerala Water Authority has imposed stern

B. curbs on water supply, to two hours every four days.

C. She is just water trapped here and there among rocks.

D. Down south, the water level in Sasthamcotta Lake, which provides drinking water to lakhs of people in Kollam district,

(6) In Kottayam, the groundwater level has depleted from 1.5 metres to 20 m on an average, forcing the district administration to ban installation of tube wells.

01. ABCD

02. ACBD

03. CDAB

04. CBDA

05. BCDA

9.In the following question 1st and 6th sentences are fixed. In between four sentences (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C) and (D) in the proper order to form a meaningful paragraph.

(1) The root cause of decline in the Khejri cover is its excessive lopping,

A. Which all farm owners do annually to procure its fruit, pods, leaves, branches and twigs.

B. And its decay gets expedited. Scientists at jodhpur-based arid forest research institute (afri) have

C. Assessed that khejri mortality ranged from “18.08 per cent to 22.67 per cent with an average mortality of 20.93 per cent”

D. Indiscriminate cutting of branches takes its toll on the tree

(6) in Jodhpur, Nagaur, Churu, Sikar, Jhunjhunu and Jalore districts.

01. ABCD

02. ACBD

03. ADBC

04. CBDA

05. BCDA

10.In the following question, you have to identify the incorrect sentence/s. For the given question three options (A), (B) and (C) are given find the sentence/s that are incorrect and mark your answer.

A. The main source of man-made carbon pollution is the burning of fossil fuels.

B. These species are among the seven new ‘Night Frogs’ discovered by a team of researchers.

C. The herd are usually kept inside a circular ring like formation made from locally available material.

01. Only A

02. Only B

03. Only C

04. Both A and B

05. All are correct


Q.1 (2)

Q.2 (2)

Q.3 (5)

Q.4 (3)

Q.5 (1)

Q.6 (3)

Q.7 (1)

Q.8 (3)

Q.9 (3)

Q.10 (3)


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