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IBPS PO Exam 2022: Latest Pattern for Pre, Mains, Interview

Mahendra's Institute


IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern

The IBPS or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection releases vacancies every year for the post of Probationary Officer (PO).

The lucrative salary, work-life balance, job security, and amazing perks attract candidates to join the banking sector. The quick execution in the recruitment process also draws the attention of government job aspirants.

If you want to prepare for IBPS PO 2022, knowledge about exam patterns is necessary. This exam consists of three stages. Here is the complete IBPS PO exam pattern:

  • Preliminary exam

  • Mains Exam

  • Interview

IBPS PO Preliminary Exam

It is a computer-based test of 100 questions that need to be solved within an hour. One-fourth mark is deducted for each wrong answer.

There is a sectional time limit for each section. Additional time is given to PwD candidates, which is 20 minutes of an hour.

Question paper can be attempted in either Hindi or English language. The English comprehension section is available in the English language only.

It consists of three sections:


Quantitative Aptitude

Reasoning Ability

English Comprehension

Maximum Marks




Number of Questions




Time in Minutes




Candidates are required to clear the basic sectional cutoff of each section with an overall cutoff of IBPS PO Prelims to qualify for the Mains exam.

This test is a game of speed because you get only 60 minutes to answer 100 questions. 

The preliminary exam is qualifying in nature, and the final merit is not made on the basis of the marks scored in this test.

IBPS PO Mains Exam

The time duration for the Mains Exam is 210 minutes (3 hours 30 minutes). This exam is MCQ-based. One-fourth mark is deducted for each wrong answer. There is a particular time limit for each section. Additional time is allocated to the candidates with physical disabilities.

The pattern of the exam is shown in the table:


Data analysis and interpretation

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude

Banking Awareness

English Language


Maximum Marks






Number of Questions






Time in Minutes






There is an additional descriptive test other than these sections in the Mains exam. Two questions are asked in the English language (letter or essay) consisting of 25 marks. However, there is no negative marking in the descriptive test.

Question paper can be attempted in either Hindi or English language. The English comprehension section is available in the English language only.

The marks of the MCQ-based test and descriptive test are added to decide the final cutoff for the interview process.

IBPS PO Interview

After clearing the Mains exam, candidates are called for the interview. IBPS PO interview questions are majorly focused on the banking and economy sector. The interview is of 100 marks, and the minimum marks required are 40%. The minimum marks for reserved categories are 35%.

The final selection, merit list, and provisional bank allocation for the POs are based on the marks of the Mains and the interview, in the ratio of 80:20.

IBPS PO marking scheme is simple as it does not include marks from pre-exam. IBPS selects POs on the basis of marks obtained in the Mains exam and interview.

Start Your Preparation!

It is better to start preparing early than wait for the notification. Enroll in a smart bank course online from Mahendra’s and start preparing for IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI Grade B, and other banking exams. 

The Probationary Officer (PO) job is one of the best public sector banking jobs with immense growth and a lot of opportunities. You can also choose the offline preparation mode for IBPS PO. We are operating in more than 125 cities currently with plenty of success stories.


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