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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 22-03-2022

Swati Mahendra's

1. ACCESSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (सुलभ): approachable

Synonyms: available easy-going

Antonyms: unapproachable

Example Sentence:

He is more accessible than most tycoons.

2. INTELLECTUAL (ADJECTIVE): (बौद्धिक): mental

Synonyms: cerebral, cognitive

Antonyms: physical

Example Sentence:

Children need intellectual stimulation.

3. REPUDIATION (NOUN): (अस्वीकृति): rejection

Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment

Antonyms: confirmation, ratification

Example Sentence:

The breach is not so serious as to amount to a repudiation of the whole contract.

4. NUTRITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (पौष्टिक): nourishing

Synonyms: nutritive, wholesome

Antonyms: unwholesome

Example Sentence:

Home-cooked burgers make a nutritious meal.

5. SCOURGE (NOUN): (अभिशाप): affliction

Synonyms: bane, curse

Antonyms: blessing

Example Sentence:

India is facing the scourge of mass unemployment.

6. MERCILESS (ADJECTIVE): (निर्मम): ruthless

Synonyms: remorseless, pitiless

Antonyms: merciful

Example Sentence:

His murder merciless attack with a blunt instrument.

7. ADVENT (NOUN): (आगमन): arrival

Synonyms: appearance, emergence

Antonyms: departure

Example Sentence:

The advent of email has simultaneously brought our society closer together and farther apart.

8. UNERRING (ADJECTIVE): (अचूक): unfailing

Synonyms: infallible unswerving

Antonyms: fallible

Example Sentence:

His sense of direction is unerring.

9. SEIZE (VERB): (पकड़ना): grab

Synonyms: grasp, snatch

Antonyms: let go of

Example Sentence:

She jumped up and seized his arm.

10. FRAIL (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्बल): infirm

Synonyms: weak, weakened

Antonyms: strong

Example Sentence:

He gave the frail woman a hug.


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