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English Language Quiz For IBPS |RBI | NABARD | 13-05-2022

Swati Mahendra's


Dear Readers,

Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS  |RBI  | NABARD  so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS |RBI  | NABARD   Exam special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you the important question of reasoning ability for the IBPS  |RBI  | NABARD .

1-2. In the following question, you have to identify the incorrect sentence/s. For the given question three options (A), (B) and (C) are given find the sentence/s that are incorrect and mark your answer.


A. Here’s an opportunity to know more about the avian visitors.

B. We generally don’t give much thought to birds but the count makes you learn more about it.

C. In the experiments, scientists warmed artificial ponds by four degrees Celsius.

01. Only A

02. Only B

03. Only C

04. Both A and B

05. All are correct


A. The residents of the area is a brave breed.

B. Apparently satisfied with this state of affairs, the villagers and the crocs went back to life as usual.

C. The dead leaf of the tree are natural fertilizers.

01. Only A

02. Only B

03. Only C

04. Both A and C

05. All are correct

3-5. In each question there are few sentences given. Each sentence has a pair of words that are highlighted. From the highlighted words, select the most appropriate words (A or B) to form correct sentences.


I. She took a pebble and caste (A)/cast (B) it into the water.

II. My friend Sohan was carrying a bail (A)/bale (B) of cotton on his head.

III. She is confident (A)/ confidant (B) that everything will come out right in time.

IV. The presidency had been my aspersion (A)/ aspiration (B) since college.

V. My wife is so obstinate that she cannot alter (A)/ altar (B) her views.







I. I do not like to where(A)/wear(B) these clothes.

II. Ravya took out her dagger and began to whet(A)/wet(B) its blade in even, rhythmic strokes.

III. Manik will waive all rights(A)/writes(B) to the money.

IV. Anand convulsed in his death throws(A)/ throes(B).

01. ABBA

02. BAAB

03. BBAA

04. ABAB

05. AABB


I. The victim had corroborated(A)/collaborate(B) the boy’s account of the attack.

II. I have made a collage(A)/college(B).

III. Manjulika paid me an enormous compliment(A)/complement(B).

IV. I want to by(A)/buy(B) new house.

V. Special cache(A)/cachets(B) are applied to cards sold at the stands.






6-10. Read each part of the sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, mark your answer as (5).

6 My senior suggested to me(1)/ that the three or four first chapters(2)/ of most of the novels(3)/ are dull reading.(4)/No Error (5)

01. (1)

02. (2)

03. (3)

04. (4)

05. (5)

7 During the final minutes(1)/ of the PM’s speech the speaker(2)/ requested to the audience(3)/ to hold its applause.(4)/ No Error (5)

01. (1)

02. (2)

03. (3)

04. (4)

05. (5)

8 The new Indian envoy has said that the UK needs(1)/ to do more on the student visa issue despite the “pluses”(2)/ from British Prime Minister’s announcement about(3)/ special categories of visas.(4)/No Error (5)

01. (1)

02. (2)

03. (3)

04. (4)

05. (5)

9 The government has held a meeting with stent makers(1)/ and importers to review their availability in market(2)/ amid reports that an artificial scarcity is being created(3)/ in the garb of withdrawing the device for price re-labelling.(4)/No Error (5)

01. (1)

02. (2)

03. (3)

04. (4)

05. (5)

10 India became the 12th largest(1)/ holder of the US government securities(2)/ at the end of 2016, with exposure(3)/ worth USD 118.2 billion.(4)/No Error (5)

01. (1)

02. (2)

03. (3)

04. (4)

05. (5)


Q.1 (2)

Q.2 (4)

Q.3 (5)

Q.4 (2)

Q.5 (4)

Q.6 (2)

Q.7 (3)

Q.8 (5)

Q.9 (2)

Q.10 (5)


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