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English Language Quiz For IBPS |RBI | NABARD | 02-05-2022

Swati Mahendra's


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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS  |RBI  | NABARD  so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS |RBI  | NABARD   Exam special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you the important question of reasoning ability for the IBPS  |RBI  | NABARD .

1-5. In the passage given below, there are blanks which are numbered from 1 to 5. Read the passage and answer the questions given:

The slapping of sedition charges against noted Assamese scholar and two others (1) for remarks made against the proposed citizenship law is a textbook case of misuse of the law relating to sedition. The FIR against him, a peasant rights activist and a journalist relates to speeches at a recent rally that ________ (2) to the possibility of a demand for independence and sovereignty if the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill was pushed through Parliament. They have ________ (3) an interim bail from the Guwahati High Court. The registration of the case has caused much public outrage in Assam. (4) In addition to sedition, they have been accused of entering into a criminal conspiracy to wage war for the government of India and concealing a design to facilitate such a war. The action of the police in charging them with offences against the state under the Indian Penal Code is quite ________. (5)

1 Correct the highlighted phrase if needed for (1).

01. for remarks made against the propose citizenship law

02. for remarks made against the proposal citizenship law

03. for remark made again the proposed citizenship law

04. for a remarks made against the proposed citizenship law

05. No correction required

2 Choose the correct word to be filled in for (2).

01. implying

02. propose

03. suggest

04. alluded

05. connote

3 Choose the correct word to be filled in for (3).

01. gullible

02. guile

03. retain

04. detain

05. obtained

4 Find out the error for (4).

4 In addition to sedition, they have been accused of(1)/ entering into a criminal conspiracy to (2)/ wage war for the government of India(3)/ and concealing a design to facilitate such a war.(4)/ No Error (5)

01. 1

02. 2

03. 3

04. 4

05. 5

5 Choose the correct answer for (5).

01. reprehensible

02. censure

03. condemnation

04. categorical

05. deplore

6-10. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) to buy bonds that are either partly or fully in default, a move that gives existing investors an (A) option and boosts the fledgling distress bond market in the country. FPIs which propose to acquire such non-convertible debentures/bonds under default should disclose to the debenture trustees the terms of their offer to debenture holders/beneficial owners from whom they are acquiring. Policymakers have been pushing firms to pare debt and (B) up balance sheets as a slowdown in economic growth dragged profits, in some cases even below debt-servicing levels. Consequently, banks’ balance sheets encountered increased (C) with firms beginning to default on loan and bond repayments. Banks’ bad assets are at an (D) level of more than Rs.3 trillion and defaults in bond repayments are increasing. This move essentially helps existing investors move out of an investment which they can no longer (E). There are foreign investors looking at such distressed debt, which gives them the opportunity to pick up debt at deeply discounted levels. While there was no explicit ban on foreign investors buying such distressed debt but many investors sought clarity from RBI.

6 Choose the correct option for (A).

01. investment

02. avenue

03. exit

04. emerging

05. attraction

7 Choose the correct option for (B).

01. give

02. grow

03. squander

04. hoard

05. clean

8 Choose the correct option for (C).

01. stress

02. relaxation

03. indifference

04. intensify

05. outlay

9 Choose the correct option for (D).

01. usual

02. unprecedented

03. interesting

04. accepted

05. infinite

10 Choose the correct option for (E).

01. implement

02. forfeit

03. challenge

04. recover

05. invest


Q.1 (5)

Q.2 (4)

Q.3 (5)

Q.4 (2)

Q.5 (1)

Q.6 (3)

Q.7 (5)

Q.8 (1)

Q.9 (2)

Q.10 (4)


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