Dear Readers,
As SSC MTS | CHSL notification is out and candidates have started their preparation for this exam. Mahendras also has started special quizzes for this examination. This series of quizzes are based on the latest pattern of the SSC MTS | CHSL examination. Regular practice of the questions included in the quizzes will boost up your preparations and it will be very helpful in scoring good marks in the examination.
Q-1 The value of

A. 2
B. 0
C. 1
D. 1/2

A. 2
B. 0
C. 1
D. 1/2
is equal to ?

A. (a +b) (b – c)(c – a)
B. (a – b) (b + c)(c – a)
C. (a – b) (b – c)(c – a)
D. (b – a) (b – c)(c – a)

A. (a +b) (b – c)(c – a)
B. (a – b) (b + c)(c – a)
C. (a – b) (b – c)(c – a)
D. (b – a) (b – c)(c – a)
Q-3 The value of
is closest to ?

A. 7.2
B. 6.1
C. 6.5
D. 5.8

A. 7.2
B. 6.1
C. 6.5
D. 5.8
Q-4 The value of
is ?

A. 0
B. –2
C. 2
D. 1

A. 0
B. –2
C. 2
D. 1
Q-5 35% of goods were sold at a profit of 65%, while the remaining were sold at x% loss. If the overall loss is 12%, then what is the value of x? (Correct to one decimal place)
A. 51.8
B. 50.6
C. 53.5
D. 52.4
35% सामान 65% के मुनाफे पर बेचा गया, जबकि शेष को x% हानि में बेचा गया । यदि समग्र हानि 12% है, तो x का मान क्या है? (एक दशमलव स्थान तक)
A. 51.8
B. 50.6
C. 53.5
D. 52.4
Q-6 A person covers a certain distance in 6 hours, if he travels at 40km/h. If he has to cover the same distance in 4 hours, then his speed must be?
A. 75 km/hour
B. 50 km/hour
C. 55 km/hour
D. 60 km/hour
एक व्यक्ति 6 घंटे में एक निश्चित दूरी को तय करता है, यदि वह 40 किमी/घंटे की चाल से यात्रा करता है । यदि उसे इस दूरी को 4 घंटे में तय करना हो तो उसकी गति होनी चाहिए?
A. 75 किमी /घंटा
B. 50 किमी /घंटा
C. 55 किमी /घंटा
D. 60 किमी /घंटा
Q-7 A, B and C started a business with their capital in the ratio of 2 : 3: 5. A increased his capital by 50% after 4 months, B increased his capital by
after 6 months and C withdrew 50% of his capital after 8 months form the start of the business. If the total profit at the end of the year was ₹ 86800, then the difference between the share of A and C in the profit was?

A. ₹ 12600
B. ₹ 7000
C. ₹ 9800
D. ₹8400
A, B और C ने 2: 3: 5. के अनुपात में अपनी पूंजी के साथ एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। 4 महीने बाद A ने अपनी पूंजी 50% बढ़ा दी, 6 महीने के बाद B ने पूंजी
बढ़ा दी और C ने 8 महीने बाद अपनी पूंजी का 50% वापस ले लिया यदि वर्ष के अंत में कुल लाभ ₹ 86800 था, तो लाभ में A और C के बीच का अंतर था?

A. ₹ 12600
B. ₹ 7000
C. ₹ 9800
D. ₹8400
Q-8 A is as efficient as B and C together. Working together A and B can complete a work in 36 days and C alone can complete it in 60 days. A and C worked together on it for 10 days. B alone will complete the remaining work in?
A. 110 days
B. 88 days
C. 84 days
D. 90 days
A, B और C के समान ही कुशल है। A और B एक साथ काम करके 36 दिनों में एक काम पूरा कर सकते हैं और C अकेले इसे 60 दिनों में पूरा कर सकता है । A और C 10 दिनों तक एक साथ काम कर सकते हैं, B अकेले शेष कार्य को पूरा करेगा?
A. 110 दिन
B. 88 दिन
C. 84 दिन
D. 90 दिन
Q-9 An article was sold at a profit of 14%. Had it been sold for ₹ 121 less, a loss of 8% would have been incurred. If the same article would have been sold for ₹ 536.25, Then the profit /loss percent would have been?
A. 5% Profit
B. 5% loss
C. 2.5% loss
D. 2.5% Profit
एक वस्तु 14% के लाभ पर बेचा गया था। यदि इसे, ₹ 121 कम में बेचा जाता, तो 8% की हानि होती। यदि उसी वस्तु को यदि ₹ 536.25 में बेचा जाता, तो लाभ हानि प्रतिशत होता?
A. 5% लाभ
B. 5% हानि
C. 2.5% हानि
D. 2.5% लाभ
Q-10 If 250 is increased to 300, what is the percentage increase?
A. 16.67
B. 20
C. 23
D. 17
250 को बढ़ाकर 300 कर दिया जाय, तो प्रतिशत वृद्धि क्या है?
A. 16.67
B. 20
C. 23
D. 17








Efficiencies = 

Work done by A and C in 10 days =70 x 10 = 70
Days taken by B to do remaining work =110/1 =110

क्षमतायें = 

A और C द्वारा 10 दिनों में किया कार्य = 70 x 10 = 70
बचे हुए काम को B द्वारा करने में लिया गया समय =110/1=110
Here 114-92=121
So 100=550



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