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English Languag Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | ESIC | SIDBI | 27-12-2022

Swati Mahendra's

 Dear Readers,

Mahendras has started special quizzes for  BPS  | RBI  | SBI  | NABARD  | ESIC | SIDBI   so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This  BPS  | RBI  | SBI  | NABARD  | ESIC| SIDBI NABARD    Exam special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you the important question of English Language for the  BPS  | RBI  | SBI  | NABARD  | ESIC| SIDBI .

1. Find the error in one of the following fragments/parts.

A. Russia, under President Vladimir Putin, is well aware of the shifting

B. global economic balance of power in favour of Asia,

C. and understands that economic integration with this region is the key

D. to Russia’s successful long-term economic growth and geopolitical cloud.

E. No error

Correct Option: D

2. Find the error in one of the following fragments/parts.

A. The Central Water Commission was set up in 1945

B. and has for then continued to function unreformed,

C. presiding over a development paradigm based

D. on command-and-controlover the rivers of India.

E. No error

Correct Option: B

3. Find the error in one of the followingfragments/parts.

A. India’s focus must be on strengthening public health systems

B. at all levels by investing in better infrastructure as well as human resources

C. and on the same time, progress also needs to be made

D. on the regulation of the ever-growing private sector.

E. No error

Correct Option: C

4. Find the error in one of the followingfragments/parts.

A. NOTA, a choice of negative voting, is based on the

B. principle that the spirit of democracy is upheld by giving

C. citizens a platform tovoice their dissent while

D. simultaneously participatingin the electoral process.

E. No error

Correct Option: E

5. Find the error in one of the following fragments/parts.

A. When a government fails toreassure

B. a life with dignityfor the sick and

C. the elderly, it loses all moralauthorityto

D. deny people the right to a dignified death

E. No error

Correct Option: A


6. People discovered the alternate sources of energy when fossil fuel reserves starts to deplete.

(1) Start to deplete

(2) Starting to deplete

(3) Started to deplete

(4) Start with deplete

(5) No correction required

Correct Option: C

7. The researchers found that children with lung disease are at increase risk for developing a second type of pneumonia.

(1) were at increased risk

(2) is increasingly risking

(3) is increased risky

(4) are increasingly risky

(5) No correction required

Correct Option: A

8. Alarm to declining marriage figures and increasing divorce rates, the government has come up with a novel way to tackle the issue.

(1) Alarmingly on

(2) Alarming as

(3) Alarms with

(4) Alarmed by

(5) No correction required

Correct Option:D

9. Although complete treatment of cancer isbeyond the reach of the underprivileged but no child should lose his life for want offunds.

(1) Though

(2) As

(3) The

(4) Since

(5) No correction required

Correct Option:E

10. A lot of time we hear from actors that they regret the kind of roles they have been doing all this while, but this actor says he has never any regrets.

(1) never has have

(2) have never had

(3) has no

(4) has had

(5) No correction required

Correct Option:C


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