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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 01-12-2022

Swati Mahendra's

1-Embrace(Verb) : अपनाना : To clasp in the arms, usually as an expression of affection or desire

Synonyms: Cuddle , Hold

Antonyms : Release , Free

Example Sentence: They embraced one last time before going their separate ways.

2-Concession(Noun): रियायत : Something allowed or given up

Synonyms: Adjustment , Privilege

Antonyms: Disputation , Protest

Example Sentence: Since the developer could not give the landowner his desired concession, he was not able to buy the land for the new subdivision .

3-Slash(Verb) : कड़ी आलोचना करना: To quickly and violently cut something Synonyms: Lacerate , Slit

Antonyms : Aid , Heal

Example Sentence:He threatened to slash the man's throat.

4-Elicited(Verb) : हासिल: To draw out something hidden, latent, or reserved

Synonyms: Evoke , Extract

Antonyms: Hide , Suppress

Example Sentence: She's been unable to elicit much sympathy from the public.

5-Mutations(Noun) : उत्परिवर्तन : The way in which genes change and produce permanent differences

Synonyms : Transformation , Modification

Antonyms : Stablization

Example Sentence: The condition is caused by a genetic mutation.

6-Evade(Verb) : बचना : To escape

Synonyms : Circumvent , Elude

Antonyms : Confront , Disclose

Example Sentence: I've never met anyone who could evade a question as well as he can.

8-Enforce (Verb) : लागू करना: To make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted

Synonyms: Impose, Effectuate

Antonyms : Discourage, Dissuade

Example Sentence: The new law was generally admitted to be difficult to enforce.

9-Recombinant(Adjective ) : पुनः संयोजक : Produced by combining genetic material from different places

Synonyms: Reconnect , Unify

Antonyms: Resolve , Detach

Example Sentence: These proteins are used in recombinant DNA technology

10- Heterologous(Adjective) : विषमजात: Derived from a different species

Synonyms: Analogous

Example Sentence:The production of polyketides in heterologous hosts offers many advantages over the use of natural producers.


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