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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 24-12-2022

Swati Mahendra's

1-Magnate(Noun) : अमीर: A person of rank, power, influence, or distinction often in a specified area

Tycoon , Aristocrat

Antonyms :
Nonentity , Unknown

Example Sentence: A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that he's putting his business affairs on hold to enter an alcoholism-counseling program.

2-Acquisition(Noun) : अभिग्रहण : The act of obtaining or beginning to have something, or something obtained

Synonyms :
Possession , Accesation

Example Sentence:Because he was marrying her, there would be an acquisition of all of her real estate.

3-Eerily(Adverb) : डरते हुए : In a strange, frightening, and mysterious way

Bizarrely , Creepily

Antonyms : Friendly

Example Sentence: Her voice was eerily similar to her dead grandmother's.

4-Whittling(Verb) : लकड़ी तराशना : To make something from a piece of wood by cutting off small, thin pieces

Peel , Hew

Example Sentence:An old sailor sat on the dockside, whittling a toy boat.

5-Impersonation(Noun): प्रतिरूपण: To assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be

Synonyms :

Antonyms : Original

Example Sentence: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer ·

6-Eliciting(Verb) : प्रकाश में लाना : To get or produce something, especially information or a reaction

Synonyms :
Obtain , Extract

Antonyms : Hide , Supress

Example Sentence: Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet?

7-Arbitrary(Adjective) : मनमाना : Based on a desire or idea or chance rather than reason

Capricious , Whimsical

Antonyms : Rational , Reasonable

Example Sentence: Her outfit was an arbitrary choice but was just perfect.

8-Diktats(Noun) : अलोकप्रिय और कड़ा आदेश : A decree or settlement imposed, esp by a ruler or a victorious nation.

Synonyms :
Fiat , Edict

Example Sentence:The coach issued a diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice.

9-Innate(Adjective) : जन्मजात : (of a quality) which you are born with, or which is present naturally

Inborn , Congenital

Antonyms: Extrinsic , Acquired

Example Sentence: Her dance expresses the innate beauty of the human spirit.

10-Dogged(Adjective) : हठी : Very determined to continue doing something

Tenacious , Obstinate

Antonyms : Hesitant , Flexible

Example Sentence:Her dogged determination to uncover the truth about the scandal led to her winning a reporting prize.

11-Inveterate (Adjective) : गंभीर : Having a particular habit/activity/ established fact that is unlikely to change.

Synonym: Entrenched, deep- rooted

Antonym : short - lived, transient

Example Sentence: Academic staff are voracious readers and inveterate talkers.


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