Dear Readers,
As SSC CHSL | GD notification is out and candidates have started their preparation for this exam. Mahendras also has started special quizzes for this examination. This series of quizzes are based on the latest pattern of the SSC CHSL| GD examination. Regular practice of the questions included in the quizzes will boost up your preparations and it will be very helpful in scoring good marks in the examination.
4 अंकों की संख्या में, पहले 2 अंकों का योग अंतिम 2 अंकों के बराबर है। पहले और आखिरी अंक का योग तीसरे अंक के बराबर है। अंत में दूसरे और चौथे अंक का योग अन्य 2 अंकों के योग का दोगुना है। संख्या क्या है?
1. In a 4 digit number, the sum of first 2 digits is equal to that of the last 2 digits. The sum of the first and last digits is equal to the 3rd digit. Finally the sum of second and fourth digits is twice the sum of other 2 digits. What is the number?
1. 1854
3. 1458
4. 4158
2. Find the unit’s digit of the expression:
55 725 + 73 5810 + 22 853.
1. 4
2. 0
3. 2
4. 6
3. A number S is obtained by squaring the sum of digits of a two digit number D. If the difference between S and D is 27, then the value of the two-digit number D is
1. 24
2. 54
3. 34
4. 45
4. A number successively divided by 3, 4 and 7 leaves 2, 1 and 4 respectively as remainders. What will be the remainder if 84, divides the same number?
1. 80
2. 76
3. 41
4. 53
5. What is the remainder when 4 96 is divided by 6?
1. 0
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
6. Find the number of zeros in the product:
गुणनफल के अंतिम दो अंक ज्ञात कीजिए:
5 × 10 × 25× 40 × 50 × 55 × 65 × 125 × 80.
1. 8
2. 9
3. 12
4. 13
7. Find the last two digits of the product:
गुणनफल के अंतिम दो अंक ज्ञात कीजिए:
15 × 37 × 63 ×51 × 97 × 17.
1. 35
2. 45
3. 85
4. 65
8. Find the last two digits of the product:
122 × 123 ×125 × 127 × 129.
1. 20
2. 50
3. 30
4. 40
9. The last 3 digits of the multiplication 12345 × 54321 would be
1. 865
2. 745
3. 845
4. 945
10. Find the last digit of the number N = 13 + 23 + 33……………. + 993.
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 5
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