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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 27-01-2023

Swati Mahendra's

1. Ire (Noun) : गुस्सा: anger

Synonyms: indignation, wrath, outrage, fury, rage

Antonyms: Pleasure, calmness, delight, happiness

Example Sentence: Their ire was directed mainly at the government.

2. Contemplate (Verb) : सोचना: think deeply and at length

Synonyms: ponder, consider, entertain, debate, study

Antonyms: dismiss, ignore, scorn, disregard, reject

Example Sentence: When the accountant was asked to contemplate the current budget, he discovered many ways the company could save money.

3. Aggrieve (Adjective) : व्यथित: feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated

Synonyms: agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb

Antonyms: satisfy, please, gratify

Example Sentence: He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team.

4. Underbelly (Noun) : नाजुक भाग: an area vulnerable to attack; a hidden unpleasant or criminal part of society

Synonyms: underside, underpart, bottom

Antonyms: top, face, apex, roof, pinnacle

Example Sentence: Most of the toad’s body is rough and bumpy, but his underbelly is flat and smooth.

5. Quest (Noun) : खोज: a long or arduous search for something

Synonyms: search, hunt, pursuit, exploration, chase

Antonyms: surrender, relinquish, give up, lose

Example Sentence: Jan’s quest for fame led her to do immoral things.

6. Stifle (Verb) : दबाना: restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion)

Synonyms: suffocate, choke, smother

Antonyms: inspire, breathe, revive, inhale

Example Sentence: The children tried to stifle their laughter during class but couldn’t hold back their giggles for long.

7. Startle (Verb) : चौंकाना: cause to feel sudden shock or alarm

Synonyms: shock, stun, astonish, astound, stupefy

Antonyms: assure, soothe, cheer, comfort

Example Sentence: If the music is too loud, it will startle the sleeping baby

8. Vet (Verb): make a careful and critical examination of (something)

Synonyms: examine, check, appraise, assess

Example Sentence:The FBI makes it a habit to vet potential employees for any criminal history or psychological issues before hiring.

9. Antecedent (Noun) : पूर्वर्ती: a thing that existed before or logically precedes another

Synonyms: previous, preceding, earliest, prior

Antonyms: subsequent, later, after, ensuing, following

Example Sentence: It is no longer what it was antecedent to the Revolution.

10. Misdemeanours (Noun) : खराब आचरण: an action that is slightly bad or breaks a rulebut is not a crime

Synonyms: violation, trespass, misconduct

Antonyms: innocence, obedience, goodness, morality

Example Sentence:  He is charged with several misdemeanors, including driving without a valid license and creating a disturbance.

11-MACABRE (Adjective): (भयंकर): gruesome

Synonyms: grisly, grim

Antonyms: pleasant

Example Sentence:A macabre series of murders shocked us.


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