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English Language Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC | 14-02-2023

Swati Mahendra's


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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS  | RBI  | SBI  | NABARD  |  LIC   so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS  | RBI  | SBI  | NABARD  |  LIC   Exam special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you the important question of English Language for the IBPS  | RBI  | SBI  | NABARD  |  LIC.

Q1-10 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

An important event with potential to enhance and facilitate trade in South Asian sub-region has gone almost unnoticed. In a first, a Bangladesh truck, loaded with its export consignment, reached designated Customs clearance station in Delhi, via the border-crossing Customs check-post on the Indian side. On receipt of relevant information and documents from the transport operator, an on-line permit was issued for the vehicle, and driver electronically vetted by both India and Bangladesh. On-line GPS tracking system enabled the vehicle to be tracked 24X7, origin to destination, by the designated agency. The occasion signified an opportunity to change important contextual architecture of South Asian region in terms of integrated value chains.

Recall, the 2014 SAARC Summit in Kathmandu; the theme of “connectivity” was high on the Summit agenda for agreements on region-wide seamless road and rail transport to be formally signed after they had been duly deliberated and finalised by all the member states. But the Motor Vehicle and Rail Transport Agreements fell through due to Pakistan’s habitual obduracy. Prime minister maintained that “our relations become stronger when we connect the lives of the ordinary citizens of our countries. That is why connectivity and services by rail and road are so important”. To break loose from the logjams, India is perforce adopting the “SAARC minus one” approach as, for instance, its focus on economic corridor development through the South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC), involving six South Asian countries—Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Myanmar too has indicated its intention to join SASEC. For road connectivity, relevant four of the SAARC countries, BBIN, got together to resolve the critical logistics-related problems they encounter. A landmark MVA for the regulation of passenger, personnel and cargo was signed by the transport ministers of these four countries in 2015. The framework agreement for road vehicles is currently being supplemented with implementing protocols. The real success of the project would indeed depend on its ability to promote harmonisation and standardisation of procedures, foreseeing simple provisions for micro-level operational issues as well as procedural norms. As the agreed protocols are currently work in progress, the cargo-laden truck from Bangladesh to Delhi was on a test/trial run. Lack of transit agreement among SAARC member countries has affected the intra-regional trade and the process of regional integration. For example, Assam’s tea for export travels 1,400 km to Kolkata port, while it could traverse under 600 km, if it went to Chittagong port. Goods from Kolkata travel 1,645 km direct distance would be only 350 km, if through movement via Bangladesh was feasible.

Economic growth rides on transport. Some 90% of intra-SAARC trade is transacted between neighbouring countries; 60% of it along land routes. Instead of seamless logistics chains, that is a growing norm worldwide, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan do not permit vehicles of one country to enter and operate in another. They indulge in antediluvian practice of unloading/loading of cargo at Wagah and other borders, resulting in multiple handlings, delays, losses. The total perceived cost of these deficiencies and delays, when aggregated with the estimated excess time costs, amounts to 12.31% of the average value of a typical shipment from Kolkata to Bangladesh compared to an “ideal” cost of 1.93% (World Bank).

These severe restrictions are exacerbated by unharmonised, cumbersome documentation and regulatory processes, even divergent weekly holidays and working hours observed by Customs at cross-border stations. So, south Asia remains bedeviled for want of adequate economic integration. Intra-South Asia trade in 1948 accounted for 18% of its total trade, which now languishes at a paltry 3-4% of its collective global trade turnover, in comparison with over 25% in ASEAN, 35% in East Asia, 40% in NAFTA, 60% in EU. In this context, a SAFTA, MFN or free trade means little, if the goods do not move across borders freely. Transit barriers impede the flow much more severely than tariff barriers. World Bank’s Doing Business and Logistics Performance Index reports highlight logistics costs in South Asia being 154% of national GDP vs 8% in EU and USA.

Bangladesh together with Myanmar occupies a pivotal position for Northeast India, Bhutan and Nepal to revive historical linkages with countries in Southeast Asia. Time is propitious. There has lately been good movement forward in India-Bangladesh logistics arrangements. Coastal shipping agreements between Bangladesh and India have been signed. As an inflexion point, an initial 10,000 tonne parcel of rice for Tripura was shipped from India to Ashuganj river port in Bangladesh, from where grain was delivered on Bangladeshi trucks all the way to FCI warehouse in Agartala. There are discussions for regular containerised cargo movement between Dhaka and Kolkata and other parts of India. The protocols now being finalised need to ensure that most of the institutional and procedural constraints are adequately addressed through optimal use of ICT, a common online platform, inter alia, for issuance of permits, digitally signed and uploaded on a web-page and made accessible to the host countries’ regulatory authorities, vehicles equipped with electronic seals affixed by Customs, and GPS-based monitoring facility, besides standardised common forms and documents pertaining to consignments, vehicles and crews.

Q1 Several statements with regard to “enhance and facilitate trade in South Asian sub-region has gone almost unnoticed” have been mentioned. Which is the one that is not based on the given passage?

(A)A Bangladesh truck, loaded with its export consignment, reached designated Customs via the border-crossing Customs check-post on the Indian side.

(B)On receipt of relevant information and documents from the transport operator, an on-line permit was issued for the vehicle.

(C)Driver electronically vetted by both India and Bangladesh.

(D)On-line GPS tracking system enabled the vehicle to be tracked 24X7, origin to destination, by the designated agency.

(E)India continues to rank low at 130th position in terms of ease of doing business, with the country seeing little or no improvement in dealing with construction permit.

01. Only (E)

02. Only (C)

03. Only (B) and (C)

04. Both(D) and (E)

05. All of the above

Q2 Find the statement which is not based on the facts mentioned in the given passage?

(A)Bangladesh together with Myanmar occupies a pivotal position for Northeast India.

(B)A SAFTA, MFN or free trade means little, if the goods do not move across borders freely.

(C)A meeting between the chief negotiators of India and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) was held.

01. Only (A)

02. Only (B)

03. Only (C)

04. Only (B) and (C)

05. Both (A) and (B)

Q3 Which of the following statement/s with regard to “economic growth rides on transport” is/are NOT TRUE according to the passage?

(A) Some 90% of intra-SAARC trade is transacted between neighbouring countries.

(B) India, Bangladesh and Pakistan permit vehicles of one country to enter and operate in another.

(C) 60% of intra-SAARC trade is transacted along land routes.

01. Only (A)

02. Only (B)

03. Only (A) and (B)

04. Both (B) and (C)

05. All (A), (B) and (C)

Q4 India, Pakistan and Bangladesh transport resulting in multiple handlings, delays and the losses. What was/were the reasons thereof?

(A)India, Bangladesh and Pakistan do not permit vehicles of one country to enter and operate in another.

(B)India, Bangladesh and Pakistan indulge in antediluvian practice of unloading/loading of cargo, resulting in multiple handlings, delays, losses.

(C)The total perceived cost of the deficiencies and delays, amounts to 12.31% of the average value of a typical shipment from Kolkata to Bangladesh.

01. Only (A)

02. Only (B)

03. Only (C)

04. Both (A) and (B)

05. All (A), (B) and (C)

Q5 How is/are the severe restriction/s exacerbated? Select your answer on the basis of the facts mentioned in the passage?

(A)By un-harmonised, cumbersome documentation

(B)Through regulatory processes

(C)Through divergent weekly holidays

(D)By working hours observed by customs at cross-border stations.

01. Only (C)

02. Only (B) and (C)

03. Only (C) and (D)

04. Both (A) and (B)

05. All of the above

Q6 For how many days and hours the vehicle can be tracked through on-line GPS tracking system?

01. Seven days and twelve hours

02. Seven days and twenty hours

03. Six days and twenty four hours

04. Six days and twelve hours

05. Seven days and twenty four hours

Q7 Which of the following statements has/have been made while mentioning the statement “time is propitious”? Answer in the context to the passage?

01. There has lately been good movement forward in India-Bangladesh logistics arrangements.

02. Coastal shipping agreements between Bangladesh and India have been signed.

03. As an inflexion point, an initial 10,000 tonne parcel of rice for Tripura was shipped from India to Bangladesh.

04. There are discussions for regular containerised cargo movement between Dhaka and Kolkata and other parts of India.

05. All of the above

Q8 Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

01. The theme of the 2014 SAARC summit was “connectivity”.

02. The Motor Vehicle and Rail Transport Agreements fell through due to Bhutan’s habitual obduracy.

03. In the wake of demonetisation of higher value currency notes, the biggest bangle market of north India is gripped with crisis.

04. To break loose from the logjams, Pakistan is perforce adopting the “SAARC minus one” approach.

05. The South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC), involving six South Asian countries—Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Q9 Choose the word most SIMILAR in meaning to the word given in bold, as used in the passage.


01. Noxious

02. Nuance

03. Obdurate

04. Promising

05. Impossible

Q10 Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.


01. Inopportune

02. auspicious

03. opportune

04. beneficial

05. benign


Q.1 (1)

Q.2 (3)

Q.3 (2)

Q.4 (5)

Q.5 (5)

Q.6 (5)

Q.7 (5)

Q.8 (5)

Q.9 (4)

Q.10 (1)


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