Dear Readers,
Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | ESIC | SIDBI so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | ESIC | SIDBI | Exam special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you the important question of Quantitative Aptitude for the for the IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | ESIC | SIDBI .
Q-1 One - fourth of a number exceeds its one - seventh by 24. What is 56% of that number?
एक संख्या का एक चौथाई उसके एक सातवें भाग से 24 अधिक है | संख्या का 56 % क्या है ?
01. 125.44
02. 224
03. 124
04. 134.44
05. 124.44
Q-2 What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
निम्न संख्या – श्रृंखला में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आयेगा ?
25 29 93 129 641 ?
01. 714
02. 720
03. 731
04. 741
05. 761
Q-3 What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
निम्न संख्या – श्रृंखला में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आयेगा ?
13 19 37 67 ? 163
01. 129
02. 119
03. 109
04. 117
05. 107
33 44 57 ? 93 116
01. 67
02. 86
03. 78
04. 84
05. 74
Q-5 445 409 384 368 359 ?
01. 355
02. 345
03. 335
04. 325
05. 320
Q-6 What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?

01. 0.50300
02. 0.50304
03. 0.50302
04. 0.30504
05. 0.30502
Q-7 What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?

01. 57/91
02. 17/91
03. 27/91
04. 47/91
05. 37/91
Q-8 The average age of A and B is 66 years.The ratio of their ages be 43: 23. What is the age of B?
A और B की आयु का औसत 66 वर्ष है |उनकी आयु में अनुपात 43: 23 है, B की आयु क्या है ?
01. 47 years
02. 46 years
03. 18 years
04. 44 years
05. 48 years
Q-9 What would be the simple interest obtained on an amount of Rs 16182 at the rate of 10 p.c.p.a. after 7 years?
एक राशि रु 16182 पर 10 प्रतिशत ब्याज की दर से 7 वर्षों में कितना साधारण ब्याज होगा ?
01. Rs. 11327.4
02. Rs. 11723.4
03. Rs. 11732.4
04. Rs. 11326
05. Rs. 13126.4
Q-10 If 32% of a number is 1296. What is 78% of that number?
यदि किसी संख्या का 32%, 1296 है | उस संख्या का 78% क्या है ?
01. 3149
02. 3139
03. 3159
04. 3137
05. 4050
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