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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 08-03-2023

Swati Mahendra's

1-Vulnerable (Adjective) : कमज़ोर: able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked

Synonyms: weak, unprotected, susceptible, sensitive

Antonyms: guarded, protected, shielded, immune

Example Sentence:  Because little kids have weak immune systems, they are very vulnerable to illness.

2. Trample (Verb) : रौंदना : tread on and crush

Synonyms: stomp, walk over, crush, smash

Example Sentence:The girl walked lightly through the garden, carefully watching her feet so that she didn’t trample the beautiful flowers.

3. Frivolous (Adjective): तुच्छ: not having any serious purpose or value

Synonyms: trivial, unimportant, worthless, foolish

Antonyms: important, meaningful, substantial, serious

Example Sentence: Students who consider test instructions to be frivolous often fail exams

4. Dodgy (Adjective) : dishonest or unreliable; likely to fail or cause problems

Synonyms: deceitful, dubious, risky

Antonyms: honest, safe

Example Sentence: I don't want to get involved in anything dodgy..

5. Ratify (Verb): प्रमाणित करना : sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid

Synonyms: approve, confirm, finalize, endorse

Antonyms: reject, deny, disapprove

Example Sentence:The shareholders will ratify any merger that will increase their dividends

6-Incarceration(Verb) : क़ैद करना : Confinement in a jail or prison

Synonyms : Imprisonment , Detention

Antonyms : Free , Released

Example Sentence : We're spending billions of dollars each year on incarceration.

7-Roil (Verb) : क्रोधित करना: make (someone) annoyed or irritated.

Synonyms : Seethe , Churn

Antonyms : Calm , Delight

Example Sentence : The man's hateful speech was just enough to roil up the already uneasy crowd.

8-Rift(Noun) : दरार : Disagreement between two people or groups; crack or narrow space in large mass.

Synonyms : Breach , Division

Antonyms : Heal , Agreement

Example Sentence : A difference in perspectives caused a rift that forced the two friends to end their business partnership.

9-Campaign(Noun) : अभियान : Series of actions intended to produce change

Synonyms: Operation , Movement

Example Sentence :During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet.

10-Deft(Adjective) : निपुण : Skilful, clever, or quick

Synonyms: Adept , Adroit

Antonyms : Crude , Clumsy

Example Sentence : She answered the journalist's questions with a deft touch.


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