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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 29-03-2023

Swati Mahendra's

1. Propel (Verb) : to cause something to move forward; to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force

Synonyms: push, shove, thrust, drive

Antonyms: regulate, restrain, control, constrain

Example Sentence: In order to propel the ministry into commission, the church was accepting monetary donations.

2. Lucrative (Adjective) : लाभप्रद : producing much money or making a significant profit

Synonyms: profitable, worthwhile, remunerative, beneficial

Antonyms: unprofitable,poorly paid, loss-making, impotent

Example Sentence:Mr. Chen makes a lucrative income by selling fresh tuna at the market.

3. Put someone in the shade (Idiom) : to be so good that another person or thing does not seem important or worth very much

Synonyms: surpass, outshine, overshadow, be head and shoulders above

Example Sentence: Although I thought I'd done well, my sister's exam results put mine in the shade.

4. Trumpet (Verb) : घोषणा करना : to make known openly or publicly

Synonyms: announce, publish, proclaim

Antonyms: withhold, conceal, suppress

Example Sentence:The company trumpeted the launch of the new phone with none of the bugs the old one was known for.

5. Lenity (Noun) : सज्जनता : kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially toward someone

Synonyms: mercy, clemency, empathy

Antonyms: vengeance, revenge, ruthlessness

Example Sentence: Michael was admired for his lenity and tolerance.

6. Veneer (Noun) : दिखावा : a deceptively attractive external appearance

Synonyms: facade, gloss

Example Sentence: Marcia wears a veneer of friendliness while trying to backstab everyone in the office.

7. Renascence (Noun) : नवयुग : the revival of something that has been dormant.

Synonyms: revival, rebirth, resurgence

Antonyms: extinction, expiration

Example Sentence:The politician suggested there would be a renascence in the country’s coal industry, but that type of revival seems unlikely.

8.Perspicacious (Adjective) :कुशाग्र बुद्धि : having a ready insight into and understanding of things

Synonyms: discerning, shrewd, perceptive

Antonyms: foolish, idiotic, moronic

Example Sentence: He was perspicacious enough to realize that things were soon going to change

9. Step in (Idiom) : to become involved in a difficult situation or argument in order to help, find a solution

Synonyms: interfere, intervene, intercede

Example Sentence:An outside buyer has stepped in to save the company from going out of business.

10. Wearisome (Adjective) causing one to feel tired or bored.

Synonyms: tiring, exhausting, boring

Antonyms: interesting, engrossing, involving

Example Sentence: Simple repetitive tasks can be very wearisome.


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