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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 16-04-2023

Swati Mahendra's

1. Penitent (Adjective): अनुतापी : feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.

Synonyms: repentant, remorseful, ashamed

Antonyms: impenitent, unrepentant, unapologetic

Example Sentence: “I’m sorry, ” she said with a penitent smile.

2. Perjury (Noun) : झूठा साक्ष्य: the crime of telling lies in court when you have promised to tell the truth

Synonyms: lying under oath, violation of an oath, giving false evidence

Antonyms: fact, truism, verity

Example Sentence: Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.

3. Quotidian (Adjective) : दैनिक : of or occurring every day; daily

Synonyms: usual, ubiquitous, ordinary, frequent

Antonyms: extraordinary, unusual, infrequent

Example Sentence: Television has become part of our quotidian existence.

4. Fortify (Verb) : मज़बूत : to make something stronger, especially in order to protect it; strengthen (someone) mentally or physically

Synonyms: brace, strengthen

Antonyms: shake, discourage, undermine, demoralize

Example Sentence: The stone wall was the first step, but they needed more to properly fortify the city.

5. Impregnable (Adjective) : अजेय : incapable of being overcome, challenged, or defeated

Synonyms: invincible, invulnerable, unconquerable

Antonyms: susceptible, vulnerable

Example Sentence: The prison’s impregnable security wall makes it impossible for inmates to leave the grounds.

6. Pluralism (Noun) : the existence of different types of people, who have different beliefs and opinions, within the same society

Synonyms: diversity, heterogeneity, multiplicity, variety

Antonyms: uniformity, similarity, consistency, sameness

Example Sentence: We know it's not easy to maintain pluralism in a country.

7. Vouch (Verb) : गारंटी देना : assert or confirm as a result of one's own experience that something is true

Synonyms: certify, attest, witness, ensure, guarantee

Example Sentence: Ally said she would vouch to her boss that her friend was a strong candidate for the job at her work.

8. Gall And Wormwood (Idiom) : strong feelings of bitterness and resentment.

Synonyms: bitterness, harsh, hatred

Example Sentence:Ever since he lost the election for school president, he only feels gall and  wormwood, thinkingof my unworthy opponent.

9. Flimsy (Adjective) : कमज़ोर comparatively light and insubstantial; easily damaged.

Synonyms: fragile, insubstantial, feeble, light

Antonyms: sturdy, substantial, strong

Example Sentence: The storm flattened the flimsy wooden huts that the villagers lived in.

10. Veracious (Adjective) : सत्यनिष्ठ : honest and not telling or containing any lies

Synonyms: honest, truthful, genuine

Antonyms: mendacious, dishonest, untruthful

Example Sentence: He was a strictly veracious reporter.


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