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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 06-04-2023

Swati Mahendra's

 1. Contingency (Noun) : something that might possibly happen in the future, usually causing problems or making further arrangements necessary

Synonyms: possibility, probability, risk

Antonyms: certainty, truth, fact

Example Sentence: We got our documents together and prepared for any contingency the bank might try and use to deny our loan.

2. Obtrude (Verb) : हस्तक्षेप करना: to make something or to become too noticeable, especially by interrupting.

Synonyms: intrude, meddle, interfere

Antonyms: disregard, ignore, neglect

Example Sentence:  I don’t want to obtrude upon her privacy.

3. Endorse (Verb): समर्थन करना : declare one's public approval or support of

Synonyms: advocate, support, embrace, back

Antonyms: oppose, interfere, thwart

Example Sentence: The doctor will endorse the product because he believes in its effectiveness.

4. Proscribe (Verb) : बहिष्कार : the action of forbidding something; banning.

Synonyms: prohibition, forbid, outlaw

Antonyms: allow, permit, authorize

Example Sentence:  The policies of the school district proscribe accessing social media websites on school computers..

5. Altercate (Verb) : विवाद करना : dispute or argue noisily and publicly.

Synonyms: bicker, argue, quarrel, clash

Antonyms: accord, agreement, calm, concord, harmony

Example Sentence:  Don’t altercate over such a trivial issue that is not related to your work.

6. Tranche (Noun): अंश : a portion of something, especially money

Synonyms: segment, piece, chunk, section, lump, portion, fragment

Antonyms: whole, entire

Example Sentence:  Becky was able to withdraw a tranche of her retirement funds and used the money to pay off debt.

7. Acquit (Verb) : बरी करना : free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.

Synonyms: absolve, clear, exonerate

Antonyms: incriminate, indict, convict

Example Sentence: The decision will be read out in public and will either acquit or convict the accused.

8. Get bent out of shape (Idiom) : to become very angry or upset

Synonyms: angry, furious, enraged, get pissed off, freak out

Example Sentence:  I got really bent out of shape when my boss didn't like my presentation.

9. Lynched (Verb) : गैर कानूनी ढंग से प्राणदंड : to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission.

 hanged, executed, murdered, assassinated

Example Sentence: The accused killer was lynched by an angry mob.

10. Intrusion (Noun) : घुसपैठ : an occasion when someone goes into a place or situation where they are not wanted or expected to be

 incursion, invasion

Example Sentence:Because it was considered an intrusion of privacy, the hotel owner was arrested for setting up cameras in the rooms.


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