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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 17-04-2023

Swati Mahendra's

1. Fulmination(Noun) :  विस्फोट: an expression of vehement protest ; a violent explosion or a flash like lightning

Synonyms: protest, objection

Example Sentence:At the town hall meeting, residents began to fulminate over the proposed tax increase.

2. Fruition (Noun) : सफलता: the realization or fulfillment of a plan or project

Synonyms: accomplishment, fulfillment, attainment

Antonyms: nought, failure, inception

Example Sentence:After much delay, the plan to build the new hospital finally came to fruition.

3.Delegitimise(Verb):अमान्य:withdraw legitimate status or authority ; to make something seem not valid or not acceptable

Synonyms: invalidate, nullify, proscribe

Antonyms: legitimize, sanction

Example Sentence: The government’s tactics have been to delegitimize the voices of the poor.

4. Euthanasia (Noun) : इच्छामृत्यु: the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.

Synonyms: killing, slaughter

Example Sentence: He asked if we had considered euthanasia, since the cat’s care would require a considerable amount over $100, and “he might end up with only three legs”.

5. Erroneous (Adjective) : गलत: wrong; incorrect

Synonyms: false, misleading

Antonyms: accurate, valid, true

Example Sentence:Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood.

6. Juggernaut (Noun) : रथ, वाहन: a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or campaign; a large, heavy vehicle

 campaign, power, steamroller

Antonyms: powerlessness, unpersuasive

Example Sentence: The Greeks would have to summon all their strength to stop the Persian Juggernaut

7. Complacent (Adjective): आत्मसंतुष्ट: feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder

nonchalant, casual, apathetic

Antonyms: aware, interested, attentive

Example Sentence:With 66 deaths on our roads every week, none of us can afford to be complacent.

8. Cadre (Noun) : a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession; a member of an activist group

group, framework

Example Sentence: The chief cadre in charge should bear greater responsibility.

9. Coalition (Noun) : गठबंधन : a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government

alliance, association, union

 disassociation, division

Example Sentence:At length, the contest was finally closed by a coalition of the three rivals.

10. Saturation (Noun) : संतुष्ट : to a very full extent, especially beyond the point regarded as necessary or desirable

Example Sentence: After filling the entire city with posters and billboards, the candidate felt his saturation marketing plan was complete


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