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Current Affairs : Questions Of The Day : 23-05-2023

Swati Mahendra's


The time for banking exams has finally arrived! To land their dream position in the banking industry, thousands of banking applicants are presently studying for the upcoming banking tests. To improve your overall grade if you're taking the forthcoming government exams, make sure you prepare well for the current affairs section.The current affairs component is a crucial section, and it contains numerous sets of questions in a variety of government exams like the Banking, SSC, and Railway Exams, among others. We'll give you the pertinent March 2023 Current Affairs in this article, which will aid students in their exam preparation.

Q1- Which city in India has become the first to adopt the localisation of United Nationsmandated sustainable development goals (SDGs)?

भारत का कौन सा शहर संयुक्त राष्ट्र के अनिवार्य सतत विकास लक्ष्यों (एसडीजी) के स्थानीयकरण को अपनाने वाला पहला शहर बन गया है?

1. New Delhi

2. Mumbai

3. Bhopal

4. Kolkata

5. None of these

Solution: 3. 

Q2- What is the length of one of the India’s Biggest Skywalk Bridge inaugurated by Tamil Nadu chief minister?

तमिलनाडु के मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा उद्घाटन किए गए भारत के सबसे बड़े स्काईवॉक ब्रिज में से एक की लंबाई कितनी है?

1. 570 meters

2. 420 meters

3. 750 meters

4. 620 meters

5. 560 meters

Solution: 1. 

Q3 The 5,000-year-old 'Great Grandfather' tree has been officially declared the world's oldest tree, where is it located?

5,000 साल पुराने 'ग्रेट ग्रैंडफादर' पेड़ को आधिकारिक तौर पर दुनिया का सबसे पुराना पेड़ घोषित किया गया है, यह कहाँ स्थित है?

1. Chile

2. Canada

3. Australia

4. South Africa

5. USA

Solution: 1. 

Q4- What is the name of the humanitarian assistance operation launched by India to provide aid to Myanmar?

म्यांमार को सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए भारत द्वारा शुरू किए गए मानवीय सहायता अभियान का नाम क्या है?

1. Operation Karuna

2. Operation Kaveri

3. Operation Dost

4. Operation Garuda

5. Operation Ganga

Solution: 1. 


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