1. Buoyancy (Noun) : उत्तेजना / उछाल: The ability of a fluid or gas toexert an upward force;a cheerful and optimistic attitude; a high level of activity in an economy
Synonyms: Floatability, cheerfulness, optimism, liveliness
Antonyms: Heaviness, despondency, depression, gloominess, lethargy
2. Resilience (Noun) : प्रतिरोधशीलता: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness, adaptability
Synonyms: Flexibility, adaptability, toughness, strength, durability
Antonyms: Fragility, weakness, inflexibility, vulnerability, sensitivity
Example Sentence : The team showed great resilience in overcoming a series of challenges to win the championship.
3. Uptick (Noun) : इजाफा: A small increase or upward trend, especially in business or economic activity
Synonyms: Increase, rise, growth, surge, upswing
Antonyms: Decrease, decline, fall, drop, downturn
Example Sentence :The stock market showed an uptick in activity after the positive economic news was released.
4. Intangible (Adj.) : अमूर्त : Not able to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence;
Synonyms: Impalpable, abstract, elusive, insubstantial
Antonyms: Tangible, concrete, material, physical, substantial
Example Sentence : Love and friendship are intangible concepts that are difficult to
define but very important to our lives.
5. Surplus(Adj.): अतिरिक्त : more than what is needed or used; excess
Synonyms: Excess, extra, superfluous, abundance
Antonyms: Deficit, shortage, insufficiency, lack, scarcity
Example Sentence : The surplus food was donated to the local food bank to help those in need.
6. Reckon (Verb): मानना : To calculate or estimate; to think or suppose
Synonyms: Calculate, estimate, believe, presume, assume
Antonyms: Disbelieve, distrust, doubt, question, challenge
Example Sentence : I reckon that it will take about an hour to complete the task.
7. Flurry (Noun) : उतावला: A sudden short period of excitement or nervous activity
Synonyms: tumult, bustle, excitement
Antonyms: Calm, peace, tranquility, stillness, serenity
Example Sentence : The announcement of the new product caused a flurry of excitement among investors.
8. Corroborate (Verb): पुष्टि करना : To confirm or give support to (a statement, theory or finding) by providing additional evidence
Synonyms: Confirm, validate, substantiate, support, verify
Antonyms: Disprove, contradict, deny, refute, invalidate
Example Sentence :The witness was able to corroborate the victim's testimony and help
secure a conviction.
9. Amalgamation (Noun) : एकीकरण: the action, process, or result of combining or uniting
Synonyms: combination, union, fusion
Antonyms: division, separation, split, partition
Example Sentence :I think it's this amalgamation of fact, fiction, and potential which made it such a great story.
10. Vigil (Noun) : निगरानी : a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray
Synonyms: watch, surveillance, lookout, observation, inspection
Antonyms: ignorance, indifference, neglect
Example Sentence : Eva and Paul kept a constant vigil by their daughter's hospital bedside.
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