1. Juvenile (Noun/Adjective) : किशोर, नाबालिग : Relating to or characteristic of young people; a person below the age of majority
Synonyms: youthful, adolescent, teenage, immature, young
Antonyms: mature, adult, grown-up
Example Sentence: The juvenile was sent to a rehabilitation center for his involvement in
2. Misogynist (Adjective) : स्त्रीद्वेषी, नारीविरोधी : A person who dislikes, distrusts, or has prejudice against women.
Synonyms: Woman-hater, sexist, chauvinist
Antonyms: Feminist, supporter of gender equality
Example Sentence:His derogatory remarks about women clearly showed that he was a misogynist.
3. Deft (Adjective) :निपुण : Skillful, adept, quick, and skillful in movement or action
Synonyms: Skillful, adept, nimble, dexterous, proficient
Antonyms: Clumsy, inept, unskilled
Example Sentence:The chef's deft hands swiftly prepared the intricate dish with precision and finesse.
4. Throes (Noun) : विकट स्थिति : Intense pain, struggle, or agony.
Synonyms: Agony, torment, anguish, struggle, pain
Antonyms: Ease, comfort, tranquility
Example Sentence: The country was in the throes of a political crisis, with protests and unrest spreading across the nation.
5. Elucidation (Noun) : व्याख्या : Explanation or clarification of a concept or idea.
Synonyms: Explanation, clarification, interpretation, exposition
Antonyms: Confusion, obscurity, ambiguity
Example Sentence: The teacher provided a detailed elucidation of the scientific theory, helping the students better understand its principles.
6. Apartheid (Noun): रंग-भेद : a system under which people of different races were kept separate by law, and white people were given more political rights and educational and other advantages
Synonyms: segregation, discrimination, racism,
Antonyms: integration, union, impartial
Example Sentence: Nelson Mandela helped to end Apartheid, which was racial discrimination in South Africa.
7. Pandemonium (Noun): हंगामा : wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.
Synonyms: disturbance, turmoil, stir
Antonyms: calm, rest, tranquility, peace
Example Sentence: Even though the teacher had instructed the children to be on their best behavior, pandemonium broke loose the minute Santa Claus walked through the door.
8. Propitiate (Verb) :शांत करना : to lessen the anger or agitation of
Synonyms: appease, placate, conciliate
Antonyms: anger, antagonize, infuriate
Example Sentence: After Bill forgot his wife’s birthday, he tried to propitiate the situation by purchasing her the pearl necklace she always wanted.
9. Over egg the pudding (Idiom) : To exaggerate or overemphasize something, often to the point of making it less effective or believable.
Synonyms: Overdo, exaggerate, amplify
Antonym: Understate, downplay
Example Sentence: She tends to over egg the pudding when telling stories, adding unnecessary details and making them less interesting.
10. To pick holes (Idiom) : To criticize or find faults in something or someone.
Synonyms: Nitpick, find fault, criticize
Antonym: Accept, approve, appreciate
Example Sentence:He always finds a way to pick holes in my arguments, even when they are well-reasoned and supported.
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