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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 15-06-2023

Swati Mahendra's


1. Curtail (Verb): छोटा या संक्षिप्‍त करना : To reduce or restrict; to cut short or diminish.

Synonyms: Reduce, decrease, limit, restrict, shorten

Antonyms: Expand, increase, extend, amplify

Example Sentence: The company had to curtail its expenses in order to stay within the

2. Redress (Verb/Noun): सुधार करना : remedy, correct, or make amends for wrongdoing or injustice; compensation for a wrong or grievance.

Synonyms: Rectify, repair

Antonyms: Aggravate, worsen, exacerbate

Example Sentence:The organization is working towards providing redress to the victims of
the fraud.

3. Wanton (Adjective): अकारण : Showing no care or concern for others; reckless

Synonyms: Reckless, malicious, cruel, irresponsible

Antonyms: Careful, responsible, conscientious, considerate

Example Sentence: The wanton destruction of the property angered the community.

4. Sporadic (Adjective): छिटपुट : Occurring irregularly or infrequently; scattered or isolated in occurrence.

Synonyms: Infrequent, occasional, intermittent, scattered, isolated, irregular

Antonyms: Regular, constant, continuous, frequent, consistent

Example Sentence: The company experienced sporadic power outages throughout the day, causing disruptions in their operations.

5. Extrapolate (Verb): आउटपुट निर्धारित करना : To estimate or deduce something by extending or projecting known information, or to infer something from what is already known

Synonyms: derive, infer, deduce, guess, assume

Antonyms: Disregard, Ignore, Neglect

Example Sentence: The researchers were able to extrapolate the expected results based on
previous experiments.

6. Vacillate (Verb): डगमगाना : To be indecisive or wavering, to sway or hesitate between options

Synonyms: Hesitate, Waver, Fluctuate, Dither, Dilly-dally

Antonyms: Decide, Commit, Resolve

Example Sentence: She vacillated between two colleges, unable to decide which one to

7. A Red Letter Day (Idiom): A highly significant or memorableday; a day of special importance or achievement.

Synonyms: Memorable day, special day, milestone, important occasion

Antonym: Ordinary day, unremarkable day

Example Sentence: Graduation day was a red-letter day for Sarah as she finally achieved her longawaited degree.

8. Shook In Their Shoes (Idiom): To be extremely afraid or frightened; to experience intense fear or apprehension.

Synonyms: Tremble with fear, quiver in fear, be terrified, be petrified

Antonym: Fearless, courageous, brave

Example Sentence:  When the thunderstorm began, the little child was so scared that
they shook in their shoes.

9. Folly (Noun): मूर्खता : lack of good sense; foolishness

Synonyms: insanity, idiocy, absurdity, stupidity, madness

Antonyms: wisdom, prudence, discretion, sagacity

Example Sentence: It was sheer folly to invest all his money in a risky business venture
without proper research and planning.

10. Jocund (Adjective): प्रफुल्ल : cheerful and lighthearted, in a happy mood

Synonyms: merry, jolly, festive, cheerful, mirthful, jovial, jocose

Antonyms: melancholy, sorrowful, sad, unhappy, glum, forlorn

Example Sentence: As soon as I walked towards the front door of the luxury hotel, a jocund doorman greeted me with a smile.


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