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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 09-06-2023

Swati Mahendra's

1. Sedition (Noun) : देशद्रोह : Conduct or speech inciting rebellion against the authority of a state or monarch.

Synonyms: Rebellion, Treason, Insurrection, Mutiny

Antonyms: Loyalty, Obedience

Example Sentence: The government arrested the individuals involved in sedition for their
attempts to overthrow the established regime.

2. Abeyance (Noun) : स्थगित : Temporary suspension or cessation of activity or condition.

Synonyms: Suspension, Dormancy, Inactivity

Antonyms: Continuation, Resumption, Activity

Example Sentence: The project is currently in abeyance due to funding issues, but it is
expected to resume once the financial situation improves.

3. Rigour (Noun) : कठोरता : Strictness, severity, or harshness in actions, conditions, or

Synonyms: Severity, Stringency, Hardship, Strictness

Antonyms: Leniency, Flexibility, Relaxation

Example Sentence: The teacher graded the exam with great rigour, ensuring that each answer was thoroughly evaluated.

4. Rampant (Adj.) : प्रचंड : Spreading uncontrollably or unchecked; widespread and

Synonyms: Unrestrained, Pervasive, Rife, Prevalent

Antonyms: Subdued, Controlled, Limited

Example Sentence: Corruption was rampant in the government, affecting all levels
of administration.

5. Hackneyed (Adj.) : पुराना, घिसा-पिटा : Lacking originality or freshness; overused and unoriginal.

Synonyms: Trite, Clichéd, Stereotyped, Banal

Antonyms: Fresh, Original, Innovative

Example Sentence: The speaker's hackneyed phrases failed to captivate the audience, as
they had heard them many times before.

6. Proliferation (Noun) : प्रसार, वृद्धि : Rapid or continuous increase in number or amount.

Synonyms: Expansion, Growth, Multiplication, Spread

Antonyms: Reduction, Decrease, Decline

Example Sentence:The proliferation of smartphones has greatly changed the way
people communicate and access information.

7. Coerce (Verb) : मजबूर करना, दबाव डालना : To persuade or force someone to do something through threats or intimidation.

Synonyms: Force, Compel, Pressurize

Antonyms: Persuade, Convince, Encourage

Example Sentence: The dictator used his power to coerce the citizens into obeying his orders.

8. Augmentation (Noun) : वृद्धि, बढ़ोतरी : The act of increasing or enlarging something in size, quantity, or intensity.

Synonyms: Increase, Expansion, Growth

Antonyms: Reduction, Decrease, Contraction

Example Sentence: The company announced anaugmentation of its workforce to meet the
growing demand for its products.

9. Carrot And Stick Policy (Idiom) : offer of reward and threat of punishment policy

Synonyms: reward and punishment system

Example Sentence: I've always believed that the carrot-and-stick method is the best way to
achieve results with your team.

10. As genuine as a three-dollar bill (Idiom) : something counterfeit, a copy, or fake

Synonyms: false, imitation, copy

Antonyms: genuine, real, legitimate, original, true, authentic

Example Sentence:Those supposed designer bags they sell on the street are as genuine as a three-dollar bill.


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