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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 20-06-2023

Swati Mahendra's


1. Quagmire (Noun) : दलदल : A soft, boggy area of land that gives way underfoot; a difficult, complex, or precarious situation.

Synonyms: marsh, mire, predicament, quandary, difficulty, complication

Antonyms: Firm ground, solid footing, straightforward situation, easy task

Example Sentence:The company found itself in a quagmire of debt after a series of bad
investments, and it took years to recover.

2. Alacrity (Noun): तत्परता, उत्साह: Brisk and cheerful readiness; eagerness or willingness to do something quickly and with enthusiasm.

Synonyms: Willingness, enthusiasm, eagerness, promptness

Antonyms: Apathy, reluctance, unwillingness, lethargy, indifference

Example Sentence: The employees responded to the boss's request with alacrity, and they
finished the project ahead of schedule.

3. Contentious(Adj.): विवादपूर्ण : Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial or disputed.

Synonyms: Controversial, disputed, debatable, argumentative, quarrelsome

Antonyms: Agreeable, peaceful, harmonious, noncontroversial

Example Sentence:The issue of climate change is a contentious topic that often leads to
heated debates and conflicting opinions.

4. Jurisdiction (Noun) : क्षेत्राधिकार : The official power to make legal decisions and judgments; the extent or range of authority or control.

Synonyms: Authority, control, power, governance, rule, command

Antonyms: powerlessness, subordination

Example Sentence: The case was not within the jurisdiction of the local court, so it had to be
transferred to a higher court with broader authority.

5. Intransigence (Noun) : हठ, अड़ियलता : Refusal to change one's views or to agree about something; stubbornness or inflexibility.

Synonyms: Stubbornness, inflexibility, rigidity, obstinacy

Antonyms: Flexibility, openness, compromise, pliability

Example Sentence: The intransigence of the political leaders prevented them from reaching a compromise and resolving the crisis.

6. Garner (Verb): इकट्ठा करना : to gather or collect something, especially information or

Synonyms: collect, gather, amass, assemble, accumulate

Antonyms: disperse, scatter, distribute

Example Sentence: She was able to garner enough support to win the election.

7. Euphemism (Noun): प्रियोक्ति : a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word

Synonyms: polite term, substitute, understatement, indirect expression

Antonyms: directness, straightforwardness, terseness

Example Sentence: 1. "Senior citizen" is a euphemism for "old person“.

2. Instead of saying that someone has died, people often use the euphemism "passed away" to soften the blow of the news.

8. Buttress (Verb): समर्थन करना : to give support to or strengthen something

Synonyms: support, brace, reinforce, strengthen

Antonyms: undermine, weaken

Example Sentence: The new evidence served to buttress his argument for the defendant's innocence.

9. Relinquish (Verb) : त्यागना : voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up

Synonyms: surrender, render, abandon

Antonyms: retain, keep, withhold

Example Sentence: He had to relinquish his position as CEO due to his health

10. Cryptic (Adjective) : गुप्त : having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure.

Synonyms: enigmatic, mysterious, hard to understand

Antonyms: understandable, clear, plain, transparent

Example Sentence: The message was written in cryptic code that only a few people
could decipher.


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