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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 21-06-2023

Swati Mahendra's


1. Grasssroots (Noun) : आधार  : the most basic level of an activity or organization.

Synonyms: central, constitutional, elemental

Antonyms: uncommon, incidental, incident

Example Sentence: He pointed out that grassroots local government gave communities the power to improve their lives materially in practical ways.

2. Watchdog (Noun): चौकीदार : A person or organization that acts as a guardian or protector, especially in monitoring and ensuring accountability of others.

Synonyms: Guardian, custodian, overseer, monitor.

Antonyms: Offender, wrongdoer, culprit, lawbreaker.

Example Sentence: The media serves as a watchdog to hold the government accountable for its actions.

3. Fracas(Noun): कोलाहल : a noisy disturbance or quarrel.

Synonyms: quarrel, scuffle. brawl

Antonyms: truce

Example Sentence: Eight people were injured in the fracas.

4. Jamboree (Noun) : उत्सव : a large celebration or party, typically a lavish and boisterous one.

Synonyms: rally, gathering, gettogether

Example Sentence: The film industry’s annual jamboree was in Cannes.

5. Grapple (Verb): लड़ना, संघर्षकरना : To struggle or wrestle with something or someone, to engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons.

Synonyms: Wrestle, fight, struggle, tussle, contend, combat

Antonyms: Surrender, give up

Example Sentence:The athlete had to grapple with his opponent for nearly ten minutes
before finally winning the wrestling match.

6. Kudos(Noun) : सम्मान, प्रशंसा : Praise and recognition for an achievement or accomplishment.

Synonyms: Acclaim, applause, recognition, honor

Antonyms: Criticism, condemnation, disapproval

Example Sentence: The singer received kudos from the audience for his outstanding performance at the concert.

7. Covenant (Noun) : अनुबंध : a formal and binding agreement or contract between two or more parties

Synonyms: agreement, contract, treaty, pact, deal, bond, commitment

Antonyms: disagreement, discord, denial, breach

Example Sentence: They signed a covenant agreeing to share the profits equally

8. Remorseful (Adjective) : पश्चातापी : Feeling or expressing sincere regret or remorse (a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done)

Synonyms: repentant, contrite, apologetic, regretful, sorry, ashamed

Antonyms: unrepentant, impenitent, shameless, unashamed

Example Sentence: After realizing the harm he had caused, he was remorseful and apologized to those he had hurt.

9. Travail (Noun) :  कड़ा परिश्रम : painful or laborious effort, a physical or mental exertion

Synonyms: toil, labor, effort, exertion, struggle

Antonyms: ease, rest, leisure, relaxation

Example Sentence: She went through much travail to become a doctor.

10. Desiccated (Adjective): सुखाया हुआ : remove the moisture from (something); cause it to become completely dry; lacking vitality or interest

Synonyms: dried up, dehydrated, lifeless

Antonyms: hydrated, moist, wet, juicy

Example Sentence: After sitting in the hot sun all day, the once lush green grass had become desiccated and brown.


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