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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 04-07-2023

Swati Mahendra's


1. Plead (Verb) : अपील करना : To make an earnest or emotional appeal, especially in a legal or formal context

Synonyms: Implore , Beseech

Antonyms: Dismiss , disregard

Example Sentence: The defense attorney pleaded for a lenient sentence for his client, highlighting the extenuating circumstances.

2. Outrage (Verb) : अत्याचार : To provoke anger, shock, or offend someone.

Synonyms: Indignation , Fury

Antonyms: Praise , Calmness , Composure

Example Sentence: (N)The news of the corruption scandal caused a public outrage across the country.(V) His insensitive comments outraged the entire community.

3. Staggering(Adjective) : हैरान कर देने वाला : A sense of shock or disbelief due to the magnitude or scale of something

Synonyms: Astounding , Monumental

Antonyms: Paltry , Meagre

Example Sentence: The company announced a staggering increase in profits, exceeding all expectations.

4. Cagey (Adjective) : सतर्क: Someone who is cautious, wary, or reluctant to reveal information or intentions

Synonyms: Shrewd , Wary , Cunning

Antonyms: Naïve , Candid

Example Sentence:The detective was cagey about sharing details of the investigation to maintain confidentiality.

5. Allure(Noun OR Verb ) : प्रलोभन : The quality of being attractive, charming, or fascinating , As a Verb (to attract, entice, or tempt someone.)

Synonyms: Appeal , Charm

Antonyms: Aversion , Disgust

Example Sentence:  (N)The allure of the exotic beach destination drew many tourists.
(V)The shop's window display was designed to allure customers into entering.

6. Racquet (Noun): खेल का बैट : A type of sports equipment used in games such as tennis, badminton, or squash

Synonyms: Bat , Paddle

Example Sentence: She swung her racquet with precision and skill, returning the tennis ball over the net.

7. Immaculately(Adverb) : बिना कोई दोष के : A perfectly clean, neat, or flawless manner

Synonyms: Pristinely , Exquisitely

Antonyms: Sloppily , Untidily

Example Sentence: She dressed immaculately for the important job interview, impressing the interviewer with her attention to detail.

8. Churlish(Adjective) : अक्खड़ , असभ्य : Ill-mannered, or surly in behavior

Synonyms: Gruff , Impolite, Uncivil

Antonyms: Kind , Courteous

Example Sentence:His churlish behavior at the dinner party offended many guests.

9. Incipient(Adjective): प्रारंभिक : To develop, emerge, or show signs of existence

Synonyms: Nascent , Inchoate

Antonyms: Mature , Advance

Example Sentence: The team recognized the incipient stages of the project and took immediate action to ensure its success.

10. Bullish (Adjective) : तेजी : Refer to a positive or optimistic outlook or sentiment

Synonyms: Upbeat , Enthusiastic

Antonyms: Doubtful , Bearish

Example Sentence: Investors are feeling bullish about the stock market, anticipating a strong upward trend.


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