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Banking Awareness Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC | 12-8-2023

Swati Mahendra's


Dear Readers,

Banking Awareness has been an important part of various competitive exams, so we are here with a series of Banking Awareness Quiz on a daily basis on our platform. Follow the quiz daily to improve your banking awareness.

1-Deflation refers to -

अपस्फीति का तात्पर्य है -

(1) General decline in the price of various commodities and services

(2) Price decline in specific sectors.

(3) Price decline in specific commodities.

(4) Sharp and sudden decline in foreign exchange reserves.

(5) None of these

2-Which of the following agencies/organizations in India maintains the Micro Finance Development and equity fund?

भारत में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी एजेंसी/संगठन माइक्रो फाइनेंस डेवलपमेंट और इक्विटी फंड का रखरखाव करती है?

(1) Confederation of Industries in India.

 (2) Indian Bank's Association

(3) Small Industries Development Bank of India 

(4) Reserve Bank of India

(5) None of these

3-In the term of economics, a recession occurring two times with a small gap in between is known as -

अर्थशास्त्र की दृष्टि से, बीच में थोड़े-थोड़े अंतराल के साथ दो बार आने वाली मंदी को कहा जाता है -

(1) Double Deflation 

(2) Deflation

 (3) Deep Recession

(4) Double Dip Recession 

(5) None of these

4-Which of the following terms is not used in Economics?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द अर्थशास्त्र में प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है?

(1) Balance of Payment 

(2) Call Money

 (3) National Debt

(4) Elasticity of Demand 

(5) Boyle's Law

5-The Reserve Bank of India is regularly revising upwards the repo and reverse repo rates. Why is this being resorted to?

भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक नियमित रूप से रेपो और रिवर्स रेपो दरों में संशोधन कर रहा है। इसका सहारा क्यों लिया जा रहा है?

(1) To check inflationary pressures in the economy

 (2) To Curb the growth of black money

(3) To encourage a rise in interest rates on deposits. 

(4) To make bank loans costlier

(5) None of these

6-'Sub Prime Lending' is a term applied to the loans made to-

सब प्राइम लेंडिंग' एक शब्द है जो दिए गए ऋणों पर लागू होता है-

(1) Those borrowers who do not have a good credit history.

(2) Those who wish to take a loan against the mortgage of tangible assets.

(3) Those who have a good credit history and are known to bank for 10 years.

(4) Those borrowers who are the most preferred customers of the bank.

(5) None of these

7-Expand the term ALM as used in Banking/Finance sector?

बैंकिंग/वित्त क्षेत्र में प्रयुक्त एएलएम शब्द का विस्तार करें?

(1) Asset Liability Mismatch 

(2) Asset Liability Maturity

(3) Asset Liability Management

 (4) Asset Liability Manpower

(5) None of these

8-Basel - II norms are associated with which of the following aspects of the banking industry?

बेसल - II मानदंड बैंकिंग उद्योग के निम्नलिखित में से किस पहलू से जुड़े हैं?

(1) Risk Management 

(2) Manpower Planning

(3) Retirement benefits for the employees

(4) Corporate governance

(5) None of these

9-What is stagflation?

स्टैगफ्लेशन क्या है?

(1) Inflation with growth 

(2) Deflation with growth

(3) Inflation after deflation

 (4) Inflation with recession

(5) None of these

10-SEBI is a -

सेबी एक है -

(1) Statutory body 

(2) Advisory body

 (3) Constitutional body

(4) Non-Statutory body 

(5) None of these

Answer Key-

Q-(1) Sol-(1) 

Q-(2) Sol-(4) 

Q-(3) Sol-(1) 

Q-(4) Sol-(5) 

Q-(5) Sol-(1) 

Q-(6) Sol-(1) 

Q-(7) Sol-(3) 

Q-(8) Sol-(1) 

Q-(9) Sol-(4) 

Q-(10) Sol-(1) 


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