The time for banking exams has finally arrived! To land their dream position in the banking industry, thousands of banking applicants are presently studying for the upcoming banking tests. To improve your overall grade if you're taking the forthcoming government exams, make sure you prepare well for the current affairs section.The current affairs component is a crucial section, and it contains numerous sets of questions in a variety of government exams like the Banking, SSC, and Railway Exams, among others. We'll give you the pertinent March 2023 Current Affairs in this article, which will aid students in their exam preparation.
1-Which city is the headquarters of both Navanirman Co-operative Urban Bank and Rajadhani Co-op Urban Bank?
नवनिर्माण सहकारी शहरी बैंक और राजधानी सहकारी शहरी बैंक दोनों का मुख्यालय कौन सा शहर है?
a) Mumbai
b) New Delhi
c) Hyderabad
d) Bengaluru
Answer: C
2-How many minority communities are covered under the 'Naya Savera Yojana’?
'नया सवेरा योजना' के अंतर्गत कितने अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय शामिल हैं?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
Answer: C
3-What is the total cost of the thermal power plant being set up by NLC India Limited and the UP government?
एनएलसी इंडिया लिमिटेड और यूपी सरकार द्वारा स्थापित किए जा रहे थर्मल पावर प्लांट की कुल लागत क्या है?
a) Rs 19,406 crore.
b) Rs 18,406 crore.
c) Rs 17,406 crore.
d) Rs 16,406 crore.
Answer: A
4-Which field office does Shohini Sinha lead as the special agent in charge?
शोहिनी सिन्हा विशेष एजेंट प्रभारी के रूप में किस फील्ड कार्यालय का नेतृत्व करती हैं?
a) Washington D.C. Field Office
b) New York City Field Office
c) Salt Lake City Field Office
d) Los Angeles Field Office
Answer: C
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