Enhance your thinking ability and writing skills daily with us. Here, we are providing you a platform to attempt the descriptive paper. We will provide you with a question of the day daily, which will be based on the editorial discussed in the editorial times. You can post your answers in the comment section, and we will evaluate your answer. Also, you can post the topic that you want us to discuss under the case study. We will select a topic weekly from your comments. You can write your answer either in English or in Hindi, and you can also write your answer in pen and paper mode and can later upload your answer in image form.
1-You must be extra careful with even minor details with electrical work.
1. go the whole hog
2. be on your toes
3. linger on
4. dot your i’s and cross your t’s
5. stay the course
Solution: Option 4
2-You don't have to rebuke everyone angrily who misuses the office facilities for personal use.
1. take everyone to task
2. take everyone with a pinch of salt
3. give a cold shoulder to everyone
4. cut everyone some slack
5. rain on everyone’s parade
Solution: Option 1
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