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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 19-10-2023

Swati Mahendra's


1-SHODDY: Adjective & Noun: Of inferior quality; poorly made or constructed, The car's performance suffered due to the use of shoddy materials in its manufacturing. 

Synonyms: cheap, second-rate, shabby

 Antonyms: High-quality, excellent 

Sentence: The shoddy workmanship of the new furniture was evident in its wobbly legs and peeling paint.

2-FLOGGING: Noun: A severe or brutal physical beating.

Synonyms: thrashing, scourging, flagellation.

Antonyms: Praise, commendation

Sentence: The flogging of prisoners as a means of discipline was widely criticized by human rights organizations.

3-SUPPLANT: Verb: the act of displacing or overthrowing something or someone from a position or role.

Synonyms: Replace, oust, displace

Antonyms: Maintain, support, retain

Sentence: The ambitious young manager aimed to supplant the older executive and take control of the company.

4-HYSTERIC : Noun: Relating to or characterized by extreme, uncontrollable emotions, often irrational or exaggerated.

Synonyms: Emotional, frantic, frenzied

Antonyms: Calm, composed, collected

Sentence: The play's portrayal of a woman in hysterics was both dramatic and powerful.

5-REPERCUSSION: Noun: an unintended consequence or an indirect effect arising from an action, decision, or event.

Synonyms: aftermath, outcome

Antonyms: Cause, action, origin

Sentence: The introduction of the new policy had unexpected repercussions on employee morale and job satisfaction.

6-PROMULGATE: Verb: to make a law, rule, or idea known to the public by officially announcing it or publishing it

Synonyms: Publish, announce, declare

Antonyms: Conceal, hide, suppress

Sentence: It is essential for a leader to promulgate the organization's mission and
values to inspire and guide the team.

7-SEISMIC: Adjective: To release or set free from restraints, restrictions, or limitations to remove or loosen fetters or constraints.

Synonyms: tectonic, tremor, earthshaking

Antonyms: Stable, still, calm

Sentence: the study of earthquakes or anything related to seismic activity.

8-PERISH: Verb to die or be destroyed, typically in a violent, tragic, or untimely manner

Synonyms: Die, expire, succumb.

Antonyms: Survive, endure, thrive, flourish.

Sentence: The firefighter's bravery saved lives, preventing several individuals from
perishing in the burning building.

9-BOLSTERED: Verb  to support, strengthen, or reinforce something

Synonyms: Strengthened, reinforced, supported

Antonyms: Weakened, undermined, debilitated

Sentence: Adequate rest and a healthy diet can bolster your immune system, helping you fight off illnesses.

10-ATTRITION: Noun:  the process of gradually reducing the size of a workforce by not
replacing employees who leave.

Synonyms: Erosion, reduction, depletion

Antonyms: Increase, growth, augmentation

Sentence: The attrition of staff in the department led to an increased workload for those who remained.


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