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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 04-11-2023

Mahendra Guru


1-Pang (noun) : a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion.

Synonyms: pain, sting, discomfort

Antonyms: aid, assist, comfort

Sentence : He experienced a sudden pan of conscience.

2-Encrust (verb) : cover (something) with a hard surface layer.

Synonyms: coagulate, congeal, cover

Sentence : She arrived home with her knees encrusted with mud.

3-Solace (verb) : give comfort or consolation to.

Synonyms: comfort, console, cheer

Antonyms: anguish, distress

Sentence : She smiled, as though solaced by the memory.

4-Whittle (verb) : to cause to diminish gradually by or as if by cutting off bits with a knife 

Synonyms : cut, clip, pare Antonyms: extend, inflate, swell

Sentence : The president has agreed to whittle down his proposal

5-Unwieldy (adjective) : difficult to use or operate  especially because of size, weight, or design 

Synonyms : clumsy, awkward,  cumbersome

Antonyms : useful, practical, handy

Sentence : An unwieldy machine that  requires two people to operate it.

6-Galore (adjective) : pouring forth in great amounts.

Synonyms : plentiful, abundant, lavish

Antonyms : poor, sparse, scant

Sentence : There are book shops galore in  this town.

7-Revanchism (noun) : a nice thing that someone says or  does to persuade another to do something

Synonyms : cajolery, charming, charm

Antonyms : disparagement, depreciation,  belittlement

Sentence : She resisted his blandishments.

8-Gratuitous (adjective) : not costing or charging  anything

Synonyms : free, complimentary,  costless

Antonyms : expensive, high, costly

Sentence : They will throw in a  gratuitous box of chocolates when  you spend $30 or more in their shop

9-Analogue (noun): Something that is similar to  something else in design, origin, use, etc

Synonyms: image, counterpart, portrait

Antonyms : reverse, opposite, antithesis

Sentence : He analogue a picture of that  person

10-Thicket (noun) : A dense group of bushes ,  shrubs , small trees

Synonyms: Copse , Grove , Wilderness

Antonyms: Meadow , Prairie , Pasture

Sentence : We had to navigate through a  thicket of brambles and bushes to reach the 
hidden clearing in the forest.


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