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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |11-12-2023

Swati Mahendras


1-RAZED(VERB): To completely destroy or level to the ground; to demolish or erase.

Synonym: demolish, destroy, level, flatten, obliterate

Antonym: build, construct, create, preserve

Example Sentence: The old building was razed to make way for a new shopping mall.

2-MAZE(NOUN): A complex network of paths or passages, typically designed as a puzzle, through which one must find a way.

Synonym: labyrinth, puzzle, network, intricacy

Antonym: straightforward path, simplicity

Example Sentence: Exploring the maze in the garden was a delightful challenge, and it took us quite some time to find the exit.

3-MAZE(VERB): To bewilder or perplex, to cause to be lost in a complex or confusing situation.

Synonym: bewilder, perplex, confuse, confound

Antonym: clarify, simplify

Example Sentence: The intricate instructions amazed him, and he struggled to make sense of the complex procedure.

4-RUBBLE (NOUN): Broken fragments of rocks, bricks, concrete, or other materials, especially debris from a destroyed or demolished building.

Synonym: debris, wreckage, fragments, ruins, detritus

Antonym: structure, intact building

Example Sentence: After the earthquake, the streets were filled with rubble, making it difficult for rescue teams to navigate.

5-SLIVER (VERB): To cut or divide into small, thin pieces or fragments.

Synonym: slice, cut, divide, separate

Antonym: combine, unite

Example Sentence: The chef expertly slivered the vegetables for the stir-fry, creating delicate and evenly sized pieces.

6-UNFAZED (NOUN) : Not disturbed, unaffected, or perturbed by a situation; remaining calm and composed despite challenges or difficulties.

Synonym: undisturbed, composed, unaffected, untroubled

Antonym: perturbed, disturbed, agitated, rattled

Example Sentence: Despite facing numerous setbacks, he remained unfazed and continued working toward his goal with determination.

7-BUNKER (NOUN): A reinforced underground shelter or storage space, often used for protection during warfare or as a storage facility. It can also refer to a hollow area on a golf course, typically filled with sand.

Synonym: shelter, refuge, stronghold, dugout

Antonym: exposed area, vulnerability

Example Sentence: During the air raid, people sought refuge in the underground bunker to protect themselves from the bombing.

8-GRAVEYARD (NOUN): A piece of ground, often near a church, where the dead are buried; a cemetery.

Synonym: cemetery, burial ground, necropolis, churchyard

Antonym: birthplace, nursery (used metaphorically)

Example Sentence: Every year on Memorial Day, families visit the graveyard to pay their respects to their loved ones who have passed away.

9-HOSTAGE (NOUN): A person seized or held as security for the fulfilment of certain conditions or demands, often taken by force.

Synonym: captive, prisoner, detainee, pawn

Antonym: liberator, free person

Example Sentence: The terrorists took several hostages in an attempt to secure their demands during the hostage crisis.

10-FAIT ACCOMPLI (ADJECTIVE): A French term meaning "an accomplished fact" or "a done deal." It refers to a situation that has already happened or been decided before those affected by it learn about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it.

Synonym: accomplished fact, done deal, irreversible situation

Antonym: open issue, undecided matter

Example Sentence: By the time the team discovered the changes in the project plan, it was already a fait accompli, and they had no choice but to adapt to the new direction.


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