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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 13-02-2024

Mahendra Guru

1. TRAVESTY हंसी-मजाक

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A distorted or grotesque imitation or representation; an absurd or inferior imitation of something serious or significant.

Example Sentence: The parody of the classic play turned out to be a travesty, with exaggerated characters and inappropriate humor.

Synonyms: Mockery, farce, parody, caricature

Antonyms: Authenticity, sincerity, seriousness, respect

2. PROFOUND अत्यंत गम्भीर

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Having deep meaning, significance, or intensity; showing great knowledge, insight, or understanding.

Example Sentence: The professor delivered a profound lecture on the philosophical implications of artificial intelligence.

Synonyms: Deep, thoughtful, insightful, significant

Antonyms: Superficial, shallow, trivial, insignificant.

3. INCUMBENT कर्तव्यपरायण

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Necessary as a duty or responsibility; currently holding a particular office or position.

Synonym: Obligatory, necessary, required, mandatory

Antonym: Optional, voluntary, unnecessary

Example Sentence: It is incumbent upon the leaders to address the concerns of the community.

4. MISCHIEF शरारत

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Behavior, actions, or conduct causing annoyance, trouble, or harm, especially in a playful or teasing manner.

Example Sentence: The children were up to some mischief, playing pranks and giggling in the backyard.

Synonyms: Pranks, naughtiness, misbehavior, roguery

Antonyms: Good behavior, virtue, decorum, propriety

5. PARTISAN पक्षपाती

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning : Devoted to or biased in support of a particular group, cause, or party, often with a strong and uncompromising loyalty.

Example Sentence: The newspaper's coverage was criticized for its partisan approach, favoring one political party over another.

Synonyms: Biased, prejudiced, one-sided, factional

Antonyms: Impartial, unbiased, neutral

6. TENABILITY सही होने की क्षमता

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The quality or state of being capable of being defended or justified; the ability to be maintained or supported in an argument, position, or belief.

Example : The lawyer questioned the tenability of the defendant's alibi, pointing out inconsistencies in the story.

Synonyms: Defensibility, justifiability, plausibility, credibility

Antonyms: Vulnerability, indefensibility, untenability

7. TIRADE कटु भाषण

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A long, angry speech or criticism that strongly expresses disapproval or condemnation; a verbal outburst of criticism or accusation.

Example Sentence: The manager launched into a tirade against the team for their lack of commitment and poor performance.

Synonyms: Diatribe, harangue, rant, denunciation

Antonyms: Praise, commendation, compliment, approval


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: An innate inclination or tendency to behave in a particular way; a natural tendency or inclination towards a specific kind of behavior.

Example Sentence: She has a propensity for taking risks, always seeking out new and adventurous experiences.

Synonyms: Inclination, tendency, disposition, leaning

Antonyms: Aversion, disinclination, reluctance, resistance

9.EMINENCES उच्च स्थान

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: High ground or a position of prominence; a state of being notable, renowned, or distinguished.

Example Sentence: The mountain range was dotted with eminences, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Synonyms: Heights, prominences, peaks, prominences

Antonyms: Depths, lowlands, obscurity, insignificance

10. THICKET झाड़ियाँ

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A dense growth of bushes, shrubs, or trees, especially one forming a barrier or impenetrable mass.

Synonym: Undergrowth, brush, copse, tangle

Antonym: Clearing, open space, meadow

Example Sentence: The explorers had to navigate through the thicket in the jungle to reach the hidden waterfall.



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