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Current Affairs Quiz For IBPS, SBI, SSC, Railway & Other Competitive Exams : 22.05.2024

Mahendra Guru

For everything to be successful, we need the regular practice of that particular work. We consider the fact that is why we have come forward with some questions about Current Affairs for your practice. You need to make a regular habit of solving these questions, which are updated on a daily basis.

1. Who has been appointed as the Managing Director of Tata International?

टाटा इंटरनेशनल के प्रबंध निदेशक के रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है?

a) Anand Sen

b) Noel N Tata

c) Rajeev Singhal

d) Ratan Tata

2. When did Rajeev Singhal assume his new position as Managing Director?

राजीव सिंघल ने प्रबंध निदेशक के रूप में अपना नया पद कब ग्रहण किया?

a) March 1, 2024

b) June 1, 2024

c) April 1, 2024

d) May 1, 2024

3. Who was the previous Managing Director of Tata International?

टाटा इंटरनेशनल के पिछले प्रबंध निदेशक कौन थे?

a) Ratan Tata

b) Anand Sen

c) Rajeev Singhal

d) Noel N Tata

4. When is International Conscience Day celebrated?

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विवेक दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?

a) April 1

b) April 2

c) April 4

d) April 5

5. What is the theme for International Day of Conscience in 2024?

2024 में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विवेक दिवस का विषय क्या है?

a) Cultivating Moral Integrity

b) Fostering Global Unity

c) Promoting a Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience

d) Building a Sustainable Future

6. Who established the International Day of Conscience?

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय अंतरात्मा दिवस की स्थापना किसने की?

a) United Nations General Assembly


c) World Health Organization

d) International Red Cross

7. Who has been appointed as a member of the World Bank Group's Economic Advisory Panel?

विश्व बैंक समूह के आर्थिक सलाहकार पैनल के सदस्य के रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है?

a) Raghuram Rajan

b) Arvind Subramanian

c) Rakesh Mohan

d) Urjit Patel

8. Who will chair the World Bank Group's Economic Advisory Panel?

विश्व बैंक समूह के आर्थिक सलाहकार पैनल की अध्यक्षता कौन करेगा?

a) Indermit Gill

b) Rakesh Mohan

c) Lord Nicholas Stern

d) Urjit Patel

9. Who chaired the first-ever Tri-Service Conference 'Parivartan Chintan' in New Delhi?

नई दिल्ली में पहले त्रि-सेवा सम्मेलन 'परिवर्तन चिंतन' की अध्यक्षता किसने की?

a) Prime Minister Narendra Modi

b) Defence Minister Rajnath Singh

c) Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan

d) Army Chief General Manoj Pande

10. Where did Deepika Chikhlia attend the 14th anniversary celebrations of Janajati Kalyan Ashram?

दीपिका चिखलिया जनजाति कल्याण आश्रम की 14वीं वर्षगांठ समारोह में कहाँ शामिल हुईं?

a) New Delhi

b) Ayodhya

c) Kathmandu

d) Varanasi


Q.1 (C)

Q.2 (C)

Q.3 (B)

Q.4 (D)

Q.5 (C)

Q.6 (A)

Q.7 (C)

Q.8 (C)

Q.9 (C)

Q.10 (C)


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