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English Language Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC | 02-05-2024

Mahendra Guru

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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC Exam special quiz series will mould your preparations in the right direction, and the regular practice of these quizzes will be very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you with the critical question of English Language for the IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC.

The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits in the context of thesentence.

1-Democracy needs to be ________not for the perpetuation of power but for the perpetuation of democratic ________.

1. abandoned, efficacy

2. related, efficacy

3. requested, values

4. endured, evaluation

5. preserved, values

2-Over the last seven decades, India has made distinct progress, but many core development challenges________ and we are yet to fulfill our constitutional ________.

1. continuity, rights

2. involved, concepts

3. cease, obligations

4. persist, promise

5. persisted, right

3-Only MSMEs are well placed with ________, flexibility, local market understanding, and ________ to bring about this rural revolution.

1. apathetic, solution

2. dormant, evaluate

3. progression, decay

4. familiarity, advancement

5. competency, experience

 4-Growing ________ towards environment protection and the quest for an alternative, clean energy has created the right ________ for the electric vehicle industry in India.

1. insensibility, passion

2. fondness, drag

3. consciousness, push

4. credibility, trend

5. apprehension, flaw

Read the passage and answer the following questions.

We admire better hygiene and better traffic discipline abroad but would breach the same back home. We condemn our system for churning out unemployed youth but don’t like working hard to acquire knowledge. Students demanded their right to cheat in an examination; it is the same set of discards that later become a burden as they fail to acquire a skill for gainful employment. Rights are forcefully demanded, but duties are generally detested.

As citizens of a functioning democracy, we welcome populist policies and government bounties. The State is expected to provide free electricity, free Wi-Fi, free water, free books, free housing, free transport, free health facilities, and free education. This will not raise many cavils if they are provided to the deserving sections of society. The problem arises when undeserving elements try to corner these benefits through devious means.

The benefits that are provided by the government are seldom used in a responsible manner. Water and electricity are wasted, and public utilities are vandalized. We want the State’s delivery mechanism to be prompt and efficient, but we seldom reciprocate. We forget that it is the people who make the country and not the other way around. We resent nepotism and favouritism in government service delivery but would not mind peddling influence to seek undue favours. The plan to develop smart cities would turn out to be stillborn if we don’t
have smart citizens who would be willing to make sacrifices for a dignified living. We underreport our income and underpay our taxes, but we resent the government’s plea on inadequate resources to provide for basic amenities. There are enough laws and rules, but enforcement is seldom effective.

While you pay a hefty $ 1000 fine for littering in a developed country or for a traffic violation, in India, you can get away without penalty through various “desi jugad” (influence-peddling). Sometimes, systemic imperfections impede the enforcement of the rule of law as the law-abiding citizens do not always get their rightful dues. Today, hundreds of thousands of applications for a fire licence or a building plan are allegedly pending in government offices for years unless you pass on the speed money to those on the gravy train.

Information technology needs to be suitably harnessed for most of these services. E-governance is definitely the way to the future. As a country, we shall continue to grovel in the dust until the citizens are aware of their responsibilities. One only hopes that we shall soon wake up by acting as responsible citizens of a great nation.

5-According to the passage, the word 'discipline' means

1. a course along which someone or something moves.

2. the breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding public behaviour

3. the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour

4. lack of proper planning and control.

5. lack of knowledge or information.

6-Which of the following is the most appropriate meaning of 'cavil' as used in the passage?

1. A trivial and annoying objection

2. To lower the dignity

3. To act in an objectionable manner

4. Possessing qualities that give great satisfaction

5. Exercising power

7-Which of the following is/are valid suggestion(s) given by the author?

1. Responsibility should be shared among the citizens.

2. E–governance should be encouraged.

3. Information technology needs to be suitably harnessed for most services.

1. only 1

2. only 2

3. only 3

4. all of the above

5. none of these

8-According to the passage, the word 'detested' means -

1. disliked intensely

2. an intense feeling of deep affection

3. religious worship or observance

4. affection or liking for someone or something

5. regarded with respect or warm approval

9-A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Five alternatives are given to the underlined part, which will improve the meaning of the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, click the option corresponding to "No improvement.”

Tobacco plants have been modified by a protein found in algae to improve their photosynthesis.

1. modified to a

2. modify by a

3. modified with a

4. modified on a

5. No improvement

10-She has already read all the books that I gave her.

1. that I give

2. for I give

3. whom I gave

4. who I gave

5. No improvement


Q.1 (5) 

Q.2 (4) 

Q.3 (4) 

Q.4 (3) 

Q.5 (3) 

Q.6 (1) 

Q.7 (4) 

Q.8 (1) 

Q.9 (3) 

Q.10 (5)


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