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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 03-05-2024

Mahendra Guru

1-Overstated(Verb) : बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर कहना : To state something too strongly

Synonyms: Emphasize , Exaggerate

Antonyms : Understated

Example Sentence : The prospect of a trade war is vastly overstated.

2-Underpin(Verb) : मजबूत करना : To give support, strength, or a basic structure to something

Synonyms : Buttress

Antonyms : Demolish

Example Sentence : He presented data to underpin his argument.

3-Mortality(Noun) : मृत्यु-संख्याThe number of deaths in one period of time or in one place

Synonyms : Fatality

Example Sentence : Infant mortality is high in the region.

4-Impinge(Verb) : टकराना : To affect (something) in a way that is unwanted to have a bad effect on (something)

Example Sentence : The workers have impinged against the factory owner.

5-Delimitation(Noun) : सीमांकन करना : Method of fixing the limits or boundaries of something

Synonyms : Demarcate

Antonyms : Liberation

Example Sentence : The delimitation of the sea is the most pressing security issue affecting the region.

6-Delinquent(Adjective) : दोषी(usually used about a young person) behaving badly and often breaking the law

Synonyms : Criminal , Offending

Antonyms : Well - Behaved

Example Sentence : His delinquent behavior could lead to more serious problems.

7-Prone(Adjective): Likely to suffer from something or to do something bad

Synonyms : Initiator , Supporters

Example Sentence :The instigators of the disturbance have not yet been identified.

8-Transient(Adjective) : अस्थिर: Lasting for only a short time; temporary

Synonyms : Ephemeral , Short -term

Antonyms : Permanent , Constant

Example Sentence :The snow is transient and will melt as soon as the sun appears.

9-Marshalled(Verb) : ठीक करना : To bring together or organize people or things in order to achieve a particular aim

Synonyms :
 Mobilized , Organized

Antonyms : Disorder

Example Sentence : The company marshalled itself in the sad remains of the village.

10-Spat(Noun) : झगड़ा : A short argument

Synonyms : Altercation

Antonyms : Harmony

Example Sentence : She was having a spat with her brother about who should do the washing up.

11-Violation(Noun): उल्लंघनAn action that breaks or acts against something

Synonyms : Breach , Infringement

Antonyms : Honor , Obey

Example Sentence :  The verdict was a gross violation of justice.


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